Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
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 NdataProblemUser functions
 NLifeVDefault Physical Solver
 CALE2D/3D robinMembrane Simulation class
 CCylinder2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 CDimSelector< 2 >
 CDimSelector< 3 >
 CETA_ADR2DTestSimple ETA test to compare ETA to ADRAssembly in a 2D space
 CETA_Blocks2DTestSimple ETA test to compute a block matrix associated to the Stokes problem
 CETA_InterpolateGradient2DTestSimple ETA to check the evaluation of a gradient interpolation and the use of SmallMatrix costants in expressions
 CETA_VectorialADR2DTestSimple ETA test to compare ETA to ADRAssembly in a 2D space with a 2D solution
 CfactoryImplements a generic object factory
 CNavierStokesNavierStokes Simulation class
 COutflow2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 Cpartitioner< 1 >
 Cpartitioner< 2 >
 CRefHybridFEClass for Hybrid functions, i.e. defined on the boundary of an element
 CResistanceTest2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 CStructuralSolverThis class solves the linear elastodynamics equations for different kinds of materials (St. Venant-Kirchoff materials right now)