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#include <FSIMonolithicGE.hpp>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static FSIOperator * | instantiate () |
Gets the solution. More... | |
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static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createVenantKirchhoffLinear () |
static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createVenantKirchhoffNonLinear () |
static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createExponentialMaterialNonLinear () |
static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createNeoHookeanMaterialNonLinear () |
static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createVenantKirchhoffNonLinearPenalized () |
static StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< FSIOperator::mesh_Type > * | createSecondOrderExponentialMaterialNonLinear () |
Static Public Attributes | |
static bool | S_register |
Products registration. More... | |
Constructor & Destructor | |
FSIMonolithicGE () | |
Empty Constructor. More... | |
~FSIMonolithicGE () | |
Destructor. More... | |
Public Methods | |
void | setupFluidSolid (UInt const fluxes) |
Setup method for the subfroblem. More... | |
void | setupDOF () |
setup of the dofs More... | |
void | setupSystem () |
setUp from data file More... | |
void | updateSystem () |
Updates the system for the next time step. More... | |
void | setALEVectorInStencil (const vectorPtr_Type &fluidDisp, const UInt iter, const bool) |
Set vectors for restart. More... | |
void | evalResidual (vector_Type &res, const vector_Type &sol, const UInt iter) |
evaluates the residual Ax-b More... | |
void | iterateMesh (const vector_Type &disp) |
iterates the mesh More... | |
void | applyBoundaryConditions () |
Applies the bounsary conditions to the matrix. More... | |
void | updateSolution (const vector_Type &solution) |
Update the solution after NonLinearRichardson is called. More... | |
Private Methods | |
void | createOperator (std::string &operType) |
pure virtual: creates the operator (either of type FSIMonolithicGI or FSIMonolithicGE) More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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FSIMonolithic () | |
~FSIMonolithic () | |
void | setupFEspace () |
create FEspace More... | |
void | setupDOF (meshFilter_Type &filterMesh) |
reads the interface map between the fluid and solid meshes from file. More... | |
virtual void | setup (const GetPot &dataFile) |
stores the data file into a member More... | |
virtual void | setupFluidSolid () |
builds the global Epetra map More... | |
void | monolithicToInterface (vector_Type &lambdaSolid, const vector_Type &sol) |
Transfers a vector to the interface. More... | |
void | monolithicToX (const vector_Type &disp, vector_Type &dispFluid, MapEpetra &map, UInt offset=(UInt) 0) |
Transfers a vector to a subdomain. More... | |
void | buildSystem () |
builds the constant part of the monolithic matrix More... | |
void | mergeBCHandlers () |
Merges the flux boundary conditions into the fluid BCHandler. More... | |
void | computeFluidNormals (vector_Type &normals) |
Computes the normals to the fluid domain. More... | |
virtual void | solveJac (vector_Type &muk, const vector_Type &res, const Real linearRelTol) |
solves the Jacobian system More... | |
void | enableStressComputation (UInt flag) |
activates the computation of the wall stress on the boundary with a specified flag. More... | |
vectorPtr_Type | computeStress () |
Computes the stress on the coupling boundary (the traction vector) More... | |
precPtr_Type & | precPtrView () |
returns a non-const pointer to the preconditioner. Can be used either as a setter or a getter. More... | |
blockMatrixPtr_Type & | operatorPtrView () |
returns a non-const pointer to the preconditioner. Can be used either as a setter or a getter. More... | |
virtual void | setSolidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_solid) |
sets the solid BCHandle More... | |
void | setFluidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_fluid) |
initializes the solution by reference (through a shared_ptr) More... | |
UInt | dimInterface () const |
get the total dimension of the FS interface More... | |
UInt | offset () const |
Returns true if CE of FI methods are used, false otherwise (GCE) More... | |
void | exportSolidDisplacement (vector_Type &solidDisplacement) |
Get the solid displacement from the solution. More... | |
void | exportSolidVelocity (vector_Type &solidVelocity) |
Get the solid velocity. More... | |
void | exportSolidAcceleration (vector_Type &solidAcceleration) |
Get the solid accelration. More... | |
void | exportFluidVelocity (vector_Type &fluidVelocity) |
Export the fluid velocity by copying it to an external vector. More... | |
void | exportFluidPressure (vector_Type &fluidPressure) |
Export the fluid pressure by copying it to an external vector. More... | |
void | exportFluidVelocityAndPressure (vector_Type &fluidVelocityAndPressure) |
Gets the fluid and pressure. More... | |
virtual std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > & | couplingVariableMap () |
Returns the monolithic map. More... | |
virtual const vector_Type & | solution () const =0 |
get the solution vector More... | |
void | updateRHS () |
Updates the right hand side. More... | |
void | setVectorInStencils (const vectorPtr_Type &vel, const vectorPtr_Type &pressure, const vectorPtr_Type &solidDisp, const UInt iter) |
Set vectors for restart. More... | |
void | setFluidVectorInStencil (const vectorPtr_Type &vel, const vectorPtr_Type &pressure, const UInt iter) |
void | setSolidVectorInStencil (const vectorPtr_Type &solidDisp, const UInt iter) |
void | finalizeRestart () |
void | initializeMonolithicOperator (std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > u0, std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > ds0, std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > df0) |
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FSIOperator () | |
virtual | ~FSIOperator () |
virtual void | setDataFile (const dataFile_Type &data) |
initializes the GetPot data file More... | |
virtual void | partitionMeshes () |
partitions the meshes for the fluid and the structure More... | |
void | partitionMeshes (meshFilter_Type &fluidMeshFilter, meshFilter_Type &solidMeshFilter) |
reads the meshes already partitioned for the fluid and the structure More... | |
void | couplingVariableExtrap () |
Extrapolates an approximation of the solution. More... | |
virtual void | initialize (fluid_Type::function_Type const &u0, fluid_Type::function_Type const &p0, solid_Type::function const &d0, solid_Type::function const &w0, fluid_Type::function_Type const &df0) |
Initializes all the quantities using functions. More... | |
virtual void | setupBDF (const vector_Type &) |
void | initializeTimeAdvance (const std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > &initialFluidVel, const std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > &initialSolidDisp, const std::vector< vectorPtr_Type > &initialFluiDisp) |
Initializes the TimeAdvance scheme which should handle the fluid time discretization, solid and move mesh. More... | |
void | initializeFluid (const vector_Type &velAndPressure, const vector_Type &displacement) |
initializes the fluid solver with vectors More... | |
void | initializeSolid (vectorPtr_Type displacement, vectorPtr_Type) |
initializes the solid solver with vectors More... | |
void | moveMesh (const vector_Type &disp) |
moves the mesh using the solution of the harmonic extension equation More... | |
void | createInterfaceMaps (std::map< ID, ID > const &locDofMap) |
Creates the Epetra maps for the interface. More... | |
void | transferFluidOnInterface (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
Method to import an VectorEpetra defined on the fluid map (i.e. with the fluid numeration of the dofs) to the interface. More... | |
void | transferSolidOnFluid (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
void | transferSolidOnInterface (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
Method to import an VectorEpetra defined on the solid map (i.e. with the solid numeration of the dofs) to the interface. More... | |
void | transferInterfaceOnSolid (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
Method to import an VectorEpetra defined on the solid map (i.e. with the solid numeration of the dofs) to the interface. More... | |
void | bcManageVectorRHS (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bch, vector_Type &rhs) |
Update the RHS on the base of the fluid BC. More... | |
void | bcManageVectorRHS (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bcHandlerFluid, const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bcHandlerSolid, vector_Type &rhs) |
Update the RHS on the base of the fluid and solid BC. More... | |
void | setAlphaf () |
Method to set the Robin vector coefficient of the Robin–Neumann coupling scheme (as a constant vector vector) More... | |
void | setAlphafCoef () |
Method to compute the scalar coefficient ![]() | |
void | setStructureToFluidParameters () |
Method calling setAlphaf and setAlphafCoef. More... | |
void | resetRHS () |
Reset the right hand side to zero. More... | |
bool | isLeader () const |
Displayer const & | displayer () |
Getter for the Displayer attribute. More... | |
void | extrapolation (vector_Type &extrapolation) const |
Get the extrapolation of the solution. More... | |
UInt | imposedFluxes () |
Returns the number of imposed fluxes. More... | |
const vector_Type & | lambdaFluid () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaSolid () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaSolidOld () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaDotSolid () const |
const vector_Type & | sigmaFluid () const |
const vector_Type & | sigmaSolid () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaFluidRepeated () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaSolidRepeated () const |
const vector_Type & | lambdaDotSolidRepeated () const |
const vector_Type & | sigmaFluidRepeated () const |
const vector_Type & | sigmaSolidRepeated () const |
const vector_Type & | minusSigmaFluid () const |
const vector_Type & | minusSigmaFluidRepeated () const |
vector_Type & | Alphaf () const |
coefficient for the Robin–Neumann coupling scheme More... | |
commPtr_Type | worldComm () const |
bool | isFluid () const |
bool | isSolid () const |
bool | isLinearFluid () const |
bool | isLinearSolid () const |
int | getFluidLeaderId () const |
int | getSolidLeaderId () const |
const fluid_Type & | fluid () const |
Getter for the fluid solver. More... | |
const solid_Type & | solid () const |
Getter for the solid solver. More... | |
const meshMotion_Type & | meshMotion () const |
Getter for the harmonic extension solver. More... | |
fluid_Type & | fluid () |
Getter-Setter for the fluid solver. More... | |
solid_Type & | solid () |
Getter-Setter for the solid solver. More... | |
meshMotion_Type & | meshMotion () |
Getter-Setter for the mesh motion solver. More... | |
const data_Type & | data () const |
getter for the FSI data container More... | |
const data_Type::dataFluidPtr_Type & | dataFluid () const |
getter for the fluid data container More... | |
const data_Type::dataSolidPtr_Type & | dataSolid () const |
getter for the solid data container More... | |
mesh_Type & | fluidMesh () const |
getter for the unpartitioned fluid mesh More... | |
mesh_Type & | solidMesh () const |
getter for the unpartitioned solid mesh More... | |
mesh_Type & | fluidLocalMesh () |
getter for the partitioned fluid mesh More... | |
mesh_Type & | solidLocalMesh () |
getter for the partitioned solid mesh More... | |
const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > & | uFESpace () const |
getter for the fluid velocity FESpace More... | |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | uFESpacePtr () const |
const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > & | pFESpace () const |
getter for the fluid pressure FESpace More... | |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | pFESpacePtr () const |
const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > & | dFESpace () const |
getter for the solid displacement FESpace More... | |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | dFESpacePtr () const |
const ETFESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra, 3, 3 > & | dFESpaceET () const |
getter for the solid displacement FESpace More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra, 3, 3 > > | dFESpaceETPtr () const |
const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > & | mmFESpace () const |
getter for the harmonic extension solution FESpace More... | |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | mmFESpacePtr () const |
const vector_Type & | meshDisp () const |
getter for the harmonic extension solution More... | |
const vector_Type & | dispFluidMeshOld () const |
getter for the harmonic extension solution of the previous time step More... | |
virtual vector_Type & | veloFluidMesh () |
getter for the mesh velocity More... | |
vector_Type & | derVeloFluidMesh () |
getter for the mesh velocity increment (used for Newton FSI) More... | |
const dofInterface3DPtr_Type & | dofFluidToStructure () const |
const dofInterface3DPtr_Type & | dofStructureToSolid () const |
const dofInterface3DPtr_Type & | dofStructureToHarmonicExtension () const |
const dofInterface3DPtr_Type & | dofHarmonicExtensionToFluid () const |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > & | fluidInterfaceMap () |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > & | solidInterfaceMap () |
BCFunctionRobin & | bcfRobinOuterWall () |
Method to implement Robin boundary conditions on the external wall for the structure. More... | |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvStructureDisptoFluid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvStructureToFluid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvSolidLoadToStructure () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvFluidInterfaceDisp () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvDerHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvStructureDispToHarmonicExtension () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvStructureDispToSolid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvDerStructureDispToSolid () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvFluidLoadToStructure () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvDerFluidLoadToStructure () const |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | bcvDerFluidLoadToFluid () const |
const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_fluid () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the fluid problem. More... | |
const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_harmonicExtension () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the harmonic extension problem. More... | |
const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_du () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the linearized fluid problem (to be used in Newton for the partitioned FSI) More... | |
const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_du_inv () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the linearized inverse of the fluid Steklov Poincare' operator (not used) More... | |
const solidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_solid () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the solid problem. More... | |
const solidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_dz () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the linearized solid problem. More... | |
const solidBchandlerPtr_Type & | BCh_dz_inv () const |
Getter for the BCHandler of the linearized inverse of the solid Steklov Poincare' operator (not used) More... | |
const vectorPtr_Type & | getRHS () const |
Getter for the right hand side. More... | |
const std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | ALETimeAdvance () const |
const std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | fluidTimeAdvance () const |
const std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | solidTimeAdvance () const |
const std::string | ALETimeAdvanceMethod () const |
const std::string | fluidTimeAdvanceMethod () const |
const std::string | solidTimeAdvanceMethod () const |
virtual void | getSolidDisp (vector_Type &soliddisp) |
gets the solid displacement by copy More... | |
virtual void | getSolidVel (vector_Type &solidvel) |
gets the solid velocity by copy More... | |
virtual void | exportFluidDisplacement (vector_Type &fluidDisplacement) |
Export the fluid displacement by copying it to an external vector. More... | |
void | setComm (const commPtr_Type &comm, const commPtr_Type &worldComm) |
Setter for the local and world communicators. More... | |
void | setData (const dataPtr_Type &data) |
Setter for the FSI data. More... | |
void | setFluid (const fluidPtr_Type &fluid, const meshMotionPtr_Type &meshmotion) |
Setter for the fluid and geometry problems. More... | |
void | setSolid (const solidPtr_Type &solid) |
Setter for the solid problem. More... | |
void | setFluid (const bool &isFluid) |
Setter for the "fluid" flag. More... | |
void | setSolid (const bool &isSolid) |
Setter for the "solid" flag. More... | |
void | setLinearFluid (const bool &linFluid) |
Setter for the "linear fluid" flag. More... | |
void | setLinearSolid (const bool &linSolid) |
Setter for the "linear solid" flag. More... | |
void | setFluidLeader (const int &fluidLeader) |
void | setSolidLeader (const int &solidLeader) |
void | setLinFluidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dfluid) |
Setter for the BCHandler of the linearized fluid problem (to be used in segregated Newton FSI) More... | |
void | setInvLinFluidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dfluid_inv) |
Setter for the BCHandler of the inverse linearized fluid steklov Poincare' operator (to be used in SP FSI formulation) More... | |
void | setHarmonicExtensionBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_he) |
Setter for the BCHandler of the gerometry problem (to be used in segregated Newton FSI) More... | |
virtual void | setSolidBC (const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_solid) |
Setter for the fluid BCHandler. More... | |
void | setLinSolidBC (const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dsolid) |
Setter for the BCHandler of the linearized solid problem (to be used in segregated Newton FSI) More... | |
void | setInvLinSolidBC (const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dsolid_inv) |
Setter for the BCHandler of the inverse linearized solid steklov Poincare' operator (to be used in SP FSI formulation) More... | |
void | setLambdaFluid (const vector_Type &lambda) |
Setter for the interface displacement (partitioned according to the fluid) More... | |
void | setLambdaSolid (const vector_Type &lambda) |
Setter for the interface displacement (partitioned according to the solid) More... | |
void | setLambdaSolidOld (const vector_Type &lambda) |
Setter for the solid interface displacement at the previous time step. More... | |
void | setLambdaDotSolid (const vector_Type &lambda) |
Setter for the solid interface velocity at the previous time step. More... | |
void | setSigmaFluid (const vector_Type &sigma) |
Setter for the fluid interface stress. More... | |
void | setSigmaSolid (const vector_Type &sigma) |
Setter for the solid interface stress. More... | |
void | setMinusSigmaFluid (const vector_Type &sigma) |
void | setAlphafbcf (const bcFunction_Type &alphafbcf) |
Setter for the Robin coefficient of the Robin–Neumann coupling scheme (as a BCFunction) More... | |
void | setStructureDispToHarmonicExtension (const vector_Type &disp, UInt type=0) |
void | setStructureToFluid (const vector_Type &vel, UInt type=0) |
void | setStructureDispToFluid (const vector_Type &vel, UInt type=0) |
void | setStructureDispToSolid (const vector_Type &disp, UInt type=0) |
void | setDerStructureDispToSolid (const vector_Type &ddisp, UInt type=0) |
void | setSolidLoadToStructure (const vector_Type &load, UInt type=0) |
void | setHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid (const vector_Type &vel, UInt type=0) |
void | setDerHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid (const vector_Type &dvel, UInt type=0) |
void | setFluidLoadToStructure (const vector_Type &load, UInt type=0) |
void | setDerFluidLoadToStructure (const vector_Type &dload, UInt type=0) |
void | setDerFluidLoadToFluid (const vector_Type &dload, UInt type=0) |
void | setRobinOuterWall (const function_Type &dload, const function_Type &E) |
void | setSolutionDerivative (const vector_Type &solutionDerivative) |
Setter for the time derivative of the interface displacement. More... | |
void | setupTimeAdvance (const dataFile_Type &dataFile) |
Setup of the TimeAdvance classes given the input data file. More... | |
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void | iterateMonolithic (const vector_Type &rhs, vector_Type &step) |
solves the monolithic system, once a solver, a preconditioner and a rhs have been defined. More... | |
void | couplingRhs (vectorPtr_Type rhs) |
adds the part due to coupling to the rhs More... | |
void | evalResidual (const vector_Type &sol, const vectorPtr_Type &rhs, vector_Type &res, bool diagonalScaling=false) |
evaluates the linear residual More... | |
bool | recomputePrec () |
says if the preconditioner will be recomputed More... | |
void | updateSolidSystem (vectorPtr_Type &rhsFluidCoupling) |
updates the rhs of the solid block. More... | |
void | diagonalScale (vector_Type &rhs, matrixPtr_Type matrFull) |
scales matrix and rhs More... | |
void | solidInit (std::string const &dOrder) |
Constructs the solid FESpace. More... | |
void | variablesInit (std::string const &dOrder) |
Constructs the solid FESpace and initializes the coupling variables at the interface. More... | |
virtual void | setupBlockPrec () |
void | assembleSolidBlock (UInt iter, const vector_Type &solution) |
assembles the solid problem (the matrix and the rhs due to the time derivative) More... | |
void | assembleFluidBlock (UInt iter, const vector_Type &solution) |
assembles the fluid problem (the matrix and the rhs due to the time derivative) More... | |
void | checkIfChangedFluxBC (precPtr_Type oper) |
Checks if the flux bcs changed during the simulation, e.g. More... | |
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void | transferMeshMotionOnFluid (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
Interpolates the mesh motion dofs on the fluid. More... | |
void | interpolateVelocity (const vector_Type &_vec1, vector_Type &_vec2) |
Interpolates mesh motion into velocity. More... | |
void | interpolateInterfaceDofs (const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > &_fespace1, const vector_Type &_vec1, const FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > &_fespace2, vector_Type &_vec2, dofInterface3DPtr_Type &_dofInterface) |
Interpolates to vectors on the interface. More... | |
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std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_monolithicMap |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_interfaceMap |
std::shared_ptr< vector_Type > | M_beta |
the solid interface map More... | |
std::shared_ptr< MonolithicBlockMatrix > | M_monolithicMatrix |
precPtr_Type | M_precPtr |
std::shared_ptr< vector_Type > | M_rhsFull |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_flux |
solidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BChWS |
BCFunctionRobin | M_bcfWs |
UInt | M_offset |
UInt | M_solidAndFluidDim |
FSIOperator::fluid_Type::matrixPtr_Type | M_fluidBlock |
matrixPtr_Type | M_solidBlockPrec |
matrixPtr_Type | M_robinCoupling |
matrixPtr_Type | M_boundaryMass |
std::shared_ptr< solver_Type > | M_linearSolver |
std::shared_ptr< vector_Type > | M_numerationInterface |
std::vector< fluidBchandlerPtr_Type > | M_BChs |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > > | M_FESpaces |
bool | M_diagonalScale |
bool | M_reusePrec |
bool | M_resetPrec |
Int | M_maxIterSolver |
bool | M_restarts |
![]() | |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | M_uFESpace |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | M_pFESpace |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | M_dFESpace |
std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra, 3, 3 > > | M_dETFESpace |
std::shared_ptr< FESpace< mesh_Type, MapEpetra > > | M_mmFESpace |
std::shared_ptr< mesh_Type > | M_fluidMesh |
std::shared_ptr< mesh_Type > | M_solidMesh |
std::shared_ptr< mesh_Type > | M_fluidLocalMesh |
std::shared_ptr< mesh_Type > | M_solidLocalMesh |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_u |
solidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_d |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_mesh |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_du |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_du_inv |
solidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_dz |
solidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_dz_inv |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_dp |
fluidBchandlerPtr_Type | M_BCh_dp_inv |
fluidPtr_Type | M_fluid |
solidPtr_Type | M_solid |
meshMotionPtr_Type | M_meshMotion |
std::string | M_fluidTimeAdvanceMethod |
std::string | M_solidTimeAdvanceMethod |
std::string | M_ALETimeAdvanceMethod |
std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | M_fluidTimeAdvance |
std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | M_fluidMassTimeAdvance |
std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | M_solidTimeAdvance |
std::shared_ptr< TimeAdvance< vector_Type > > | M_ALETimeAdvance |
dataFile_Type | M_dataFile |
std::shared_ptr< MeshData > | M_meshDataFluid |
std::shared_ptr< MeshData > | M_meshDataSolid |
dataPtr_Type | M_data |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_fluidInterfaceMap |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_solidInterfaceMap |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_fluidInterfaceMapOnZero |
std::shared_ptr< MapEpetra > | M_solidInterfaceMapOnZero |
dofInterface3DPtr_Type | M_dofFluidToStructure |
dofInterface3DPtr_Type | M_dofStructureToFluid |
dofInterface3DPtr_Type | M_dofStructureToSolid |
dofInterface3DPtr_Type | M_dofStructureToHarmonicExtension |
dofInterface3DPtr_Type | M_dofHarmonicExtensionToFluid |
dofInterface2DPtr_Type | M_dofFluid |
dofInterface2DPtr_Type | M_dofSolid |
dofInterface2DPtr_Type | M_dofFluidInv |
dofInterface2DPtr_Type | M_dofSolidInv |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvFluidInterfaceDisp |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvFluidLoadToStructure |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvSolidLoadToStructure |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvStructureToFluid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvStructureDispToFluid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvStructureDispToSolid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvStructureDispToHarmonicExtension |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvDerHarmonicExtensionVelToFluid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvDerFluidLoadToStructure |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvDerFluidLoadToFluid |
bcVectorInterfacePtr_Type | M_bcvDerStructureDispToSolid |
BCFunctionRobin | M_bcfRobinOuterWall |
vectorPtr_Type | M_lambdaFluid |
vectorPtr_Type | M_lambdaFluidRepeated |
vectorPtr_Type | M_lambda |
vectorPtr_Type | M_lambdaDot |
vectorPtr_Type | M_rhs |
vectorPtr_Type | M_alphaF |
Real | M_alphaFCoef |
Real | M_betaMean |
commPtr_Type | M_epetraComm |
commPtr_Type | M_epetraWorldComm |
bool | M_structureNonLinear |
Definition at line 76 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.
typedef FSIMonolithic super_Type |
Definition at line 80 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.
inline |
Empty Constructor.
Definition at line 86 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 91 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.
virtual |
Setup method for the subfroblem.
Sets up the fluid, solid and harmonic extension finite element spaces and initializes most of the variables used in the solver
Reimplemented from FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 50 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
setup of the dofs
calls super_Type::setupDof and instantiate the boundary condition vector needed to couple fluid–structure and harmonic extention
Reimplemented from FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 82 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
setUp from data file
calls the setup for the fluid, solid and mesh motion problems
Reimplemented from FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 89 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
Updates the system for the next time step.
Calls the updateSystem of the mother class and updates the solid displacement in the solid problem
Reimplemented from FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 96 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
Set vectors for restart.
Set vectors for restart
Implements FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 202 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
evaluates the residual Ax-b
res | output |
_sol | monolithic solution |
iter | current NonLinearRichardson (Newton) iteration |
Implements FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 103 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
iterates the mesh
disp | monolithic solution |
Reimplemented from FSIOperator.
Definition at line 143 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
Applies the bounsary conditions to the matrix.
Reimplemented from FSIOperator.
Definition at line 157 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
virtual |
Update the solution after NonLinearRichardson is called.
Here it is used also to update the velocity for the post-processing.
Reimplemented from FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 213 of file FSIMonolithicGE.cpp.
inlinestatic |
inlineprivatevirtual |
pure virtual: creates the operator (either of type FSIMonolithicGI or FSIMonolithicGE)
Implements FSIMonolithic.
Definition at line 181 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.
static |
Products registration.
Definition at line 191 of file FSIMonolithicGE.hpp.