LifeV::ExpressionAssembly Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  ComputeFineScalePressure
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the fine scale velocity at the center of each element. More...
class  ComputeFineScaleVelocity
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the fine scale velocity at the center of each element. More...
class  EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the stresses at the center of each element. More...
class  EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElementFaceID
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  EvaluationAddition
 Evaluation for the addition of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationArcTan
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationCubicRoot
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationDerivativeArcTan
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationDeterminant
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationDetJacobian
 EvaluationDetJacobian - Evaluation of the determinant of the Jacobian. More...
class  EvaluationDivI
class  EvaluationDivI< 2, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function divergence in the case of a 2D vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDivI< 3, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function divergence in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDivision
 Evaluation for the quotient of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationDivJ
class  EvaluationDivJ< 2, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function div(phi_j) in the case of a 2D vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDivJ< 3, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function div(phi_j) in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDot
 Evaluation for the dot product between two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationDphiI
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDphiI< 1, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationDphiJ
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_j in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDphiJ< 1, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_j in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationEmult
 Evaluation for the element-wise multiplication between two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationExponential
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationExtract1
 Evaluation for the extraction of a row resp. component from a matrix resp. a vector. More...
class  EvaluationExtract2
 Evaluation for the extraction of a component from a matrix. More...
class  EvaluationExtractScalar
class  EvaluationFunctor1
 Evaluation for a generic functor with 1 argument. More...
class  EvaluationFunctor2
 Evaluation for a generic functor with 2 arguments. More...
class  EvaluationHK
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the diameter of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationIfCrossed
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateGradient
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, 3, 3 >
 Evaluation for the interpolation of the gradient of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >
 Evaluation for the interpolation of the gradient of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateLaplacian
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateLaplacian< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >
 Evaluation for the interpolation of the laplacian of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateValue
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInterpolateValue< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationInverse
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationIsochoricChangeOfVariable
class  EvaluationLaplacianI
 Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationLaplacianI< 1, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationLaplacianJ
 Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationLaplacianJ< 1, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationLogarithm
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationMatrix
 Evaluation for a matricial constant. More...
class  EvaluationMeas
 EvaluationMeas - Evaluation of the measure of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationMeasBDCurrentFE
 EvaluationMeasBDCurrentFE - Evaluation of the measure of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationMetricTensor
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationMetricVector
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationMinusTransposed
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationNormal
 EvaluationNormal - Evaluation of the normal. More...
class  EvaluationNormalize
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationOuterProduct
 Evaluation for the element-wise multiplication between two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationPatchArea
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationPhiI
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationPhiI< 1 >
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_i in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationPhiJ
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_j in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationPhiJ< 1 >
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_j in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationPosition
 EvaluationPosition - Evaluation of the position. More...
class  EvaluationPower
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationProduct
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationReturnAtQuadraturePoints
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationReturnAtQuadraturePoints< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >
 Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function. More...
class  EvaluationScalar
 Evaluation for a scalar constant. More...
class  EvaluationScalarToVector
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationSquareRoot
 Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationSubstraction
 Evaluation for the difference of two other Evaluations. More...
class  EvaluationSymmetricTensor
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationTrace
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationTranspose
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  EvaluationVector
 Evaluation for a vectorial constant. More...
class  EvaluationVectorFromNonConstantMatrix
 Evaluation for a vectorial constant. More...
class  EvaluationVectorFromNonConstantScalar
 Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation. More...
class  ExpressionAddition
 class ExpressionAddition Class for representing an addition between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionArcTan
 class ExpressionPower Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionBase
 class ExpressionBase Base class (static polymorphism, CRTP sense) for all the expressions used in assembly procedures. More...
class  ExpressionCubicRoot
 class ExpressionCubicRoot Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionDerivativeArcTan
 class ExpressionPower Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionDeterminant
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionDetJacobian
 ExpressionDetJacobian - Expression for the diameter of the element. More...
class  ExpressionDivI
 class ExpressionDivI Class representing the divergence of the test function in an expression More...
class  ExpressionDivision
 class ExpressionDivision Class for representing a quotient between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionDivJ
 class ExpressionDivJ Class representing the divergence of the solution in an expression More...
class  ExpressionDot
 class ExpressionDot Class for representing a dot product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionDphiI
 class ExpressionPhiI Class representing the gradient of the test function in an expression More...
class  ExpressionDphiJ
 class ExpressionDphiJ Class representing the gradient of the solution in an expression More...
class  ExpressionEmult
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing a element-wise multiplication between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionExponential
 class ExpressionLogarithm Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionExtract1
 class ExpressionExtract1 Class for representing the extraction of a component or vector by specifying one index. More...
class  ExpressionExtract2
 class ExpressionExtract2 Class for representing the extraction of a component from a matrix (2 indexes specified). More...
class  ExpressionExtractScalar
 class ExpressionScalar Class representing a scalar constant in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionFunctor1
 class ExpressionFunctor1 Class representing a functor with 1 expression as arguement. More...
class  ExpressionFunctor2
 2 ARGUMENTS More...
class  ExpressionHK
 ExpressionHK - Expression for the diameter of the element. More...
class  ExpressionIfCrossed
 class ExpressionInterpolateValue Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionInterpolateGradient
 class ExpressionInterpolateGradient Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian
 class ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionInterpolateValue
 class ExpressionInterpolateValue Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionInverse
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionIsochoricChangeOfVariable
class  ExpressionLaplacianI
 class ExpressionLaplacianI Class representing the laplacian of the test function in an expression More...
class  ExpressionLaplacianJ
 class ExpressionLaplacianJ Class representing the laplacian of the trial function in an expression More...
class  ExpressionLogarithm
 class ExpressionLogarithm Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionMatrix
 class ExpressionVector Class representing a constant matrix value in an expression More...
class  ExpressionMeas
 ExpressionMeas - Expression for the measure of the element. More...
class  ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE
 ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE - Expression for the measure of the element. More...
class  ExpressionMetricTensor
class  ExpressionMetricVector
class  ExpressionMinusTransposed
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionNormal
 ExpressionNormal - Expression for the normal. More...
class  ExpressionNormalize
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionOuterProduct
 class ExpressionOuterProduct Class for representing a vector product multiplication between two vector expressions. More...
class  ExpressionPatchArea
 class ExpressionInterpolateValue Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionPhiI
 class ExpressionPhiI Class representing the value of the test function in an expression More...
class  ExpressionPhiJ
 class ExpressionPhiJ Class representing the value of the solution in an expression More...
class  ExpressionPosition
 ExpressionPosition - Expression for the position (=quadrature node) More...
class  ExpressionPower
 class ExpressionPower Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionProduct
 class ExpressionProduct Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints
 class ExpressionInterpolateValue Class representing an interpolation in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionScalar
 class ExpressionScalar Class representing a scalar constant in an expression. More...
class  ExpressionScalarToVector
class  ExpressionSquareRoot
 class ExpressionSquareRoot Class for representing a product between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionSubstraction
 class ExpressionSubstraction Class for representing a difference between two expressions. More...
class  ExpressionSymmetricTensor
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionToEvaluation
 class ExpressionToEvaluation A class to pass from an Expression (Tree) to the corresponding Evaluation (Tree) More...
class  ExpressionTrace
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionTranspose
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  ExpressionVector
 class ExpressionVector Class representing a constant vectorial value in an expression More...
class  ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix
 class ExpressionVector Class representing a constant vectorial value in an expression More...
class  ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar
 class ExpressionEmult Class for representing the transpose operation of an expression More...
class  GraphElement
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to precompute a graph. More...
class  IntegrateMatrixElement
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a matrix. More...
class  IntegrateMatrixElementLSAdapted
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a matrix. More...
class  IntegrateMatrixFaceID
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateMatrixFaceIDLSAdapted
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateMatrixVolumeID
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateValueElement
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute a value. More...
class  IntegrateValueElementLSAdapted
 IntegrateValueElementLSAdapted - Class to integrate a value using a quadrature conforming to a level set. More...
class  IntegrateVectorElement
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateVectorElementLSAdapted
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector using special QR. More...
class  IntegrateVectorFaceID
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateVectorFaceIDLSAdapted
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  IntegrateVectorVolumeID
 The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector. More...
class  RequestLoopElement
 RequestLoopElement - The class to request a loop over the elements of a mesh. More...
class  RequestLoopFaceID
class  RequestLoopVolumeID


template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
 Integrate function for matricial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const OpenMPParameters &ompParams, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
 Integrate function for matricial expressions (multi-threaded path) More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const OpenMPParameters &ompParams, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateVectorElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
 Integrate function for vectorial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateVectorElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
ComputeFineScaleVelocity< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > ComputeFineScaleVel (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
 Compute stress function for vectorial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
ComputeFineScaleVelocity< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptComputeFineScaleVel (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
ComputeFineScalePressure< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > ComputeFineScalePres (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
 Compute stress function for vectorial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
ComputeFineScalePressure< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptComputeFineScalePres (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > EvaluateAtQuadrature (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
 Integrate function for vectorial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptEvaluateAtQuadrature (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offset=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateValueElement< MeshType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const ExpressionType &expression)
 Integrate function for benchmark expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateValueElement< MeshType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateMatrixVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateMatrixVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapter, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateVectorVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptintegrate (const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
IntegrateVectorVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate (const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapter, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateVectorFaceID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType > integrate (const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureBoundary &quadratureBoundary, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
IntegrateMatrixFaceID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > integrate (const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureBoundary &quadratureBoundary, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename LSFESpaceType , typename LSVectorType >
IntegrateMatrixFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > integrate (const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &request, const LevelSetBDQRAdapter< LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > &quadratureAdapter, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename LSFESpaceType , typename LSVectorType >
IntegrateVectorFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > integrate (const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &request, const LevelSetBDQRAdapter< LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > &quadratureAdapter, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > testSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType >
RequestLoopElement< MeshTypeelements (const std::shared_ptr< MeshType > &mesh, const UInt flag=0, const UInt numVolumes=0, const UInt *volumeElements=nullptr, const bool subDomain=false)
 elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh More...
template<typename MeshType >
RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshTypeintegrationOverSelectedVolumes (std::shared_ptr< std::vector< typename MeshType::element_Type *> > &volumeListExtracted, std::shared_ptr< std::vector< UInt > > &indexListExtracted)
 elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh More...
template<typename MeshType >
RequestLoopFaceID< MeshTypeboundary (const std::shared_ptr< MeshType > &mesh, const UInt id)
 elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh More...
ExpressionDphiI grad (const ExpressionPhiI &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
ExpressionDphiJ grad (const ExpressionPhiJ &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
ExpressionDivI div (const ExpressionPhiI &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
ExpressionDivJ div (const ExpressionPhiJ &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionMinusTransposed< ExpressionType > minusT (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionMinusTransposed< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > minusT (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionInverse< ExpressionType > inv (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionInverse< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > inv (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionDeterminant< ExpressionType > det (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionDeterminant< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > det (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionTrace< ExpressionType > trace (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionTrace< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > trace (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
ExpressionLaplacianI laplacian (const ExpressionPhiI &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
ExpressionLaplacianJ laplacian (const ExpressionPhiJ &)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionAddition< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > operator+ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
 operator+ The generic operator for the addition between expressions. More...
template<typename LExpressionType >
ExpressionAddition< LExpressionType, ExpressionScalaroperator+ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
template<typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionAddition< ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType > operator+ (const Real &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionAddition< ExpressionVector< Vdim >, RExpressionType > operator+ (const VectorSmall< Vdim > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionAddition< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > operator+ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionAddition< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 >, RExpressionType > operator+ (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionAddition< LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > operator+ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &r)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionAddition< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 >, ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > operator+ (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &l, const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionSubstraction< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > operator- (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
 operator- The generic operator for the substraction between expressions. More...
template<typename LExpressionType >
ExpressionSubstraction< LExpressionType, ExpressionScalaroperator- (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
template<typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionSubstraction< ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType > operator- (const Real &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionSubstraction< ExpressionVector< Vdim >, RExpressionType > operator- (const VectorSmall< Vdim > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionSubstraction< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > operator- (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionProduct< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > operator* (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionProduct< ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType > operator* (const Real &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType >
ExpressionProduct< LExpressionType, ExpressionScalaroperator* (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionProduct< ExpressionVector< Vdim >, RExpressionType > operator* (const VectorSmall< Vdim > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionProduct< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > operator* (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionProduct< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 >, RExpressionType > operator* (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionProduct< LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > operator* (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &r)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionPower< ExpressionType > pow (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionSquareRoot< ExpressionType > sqrt (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionCubicRoot< ExpressionType > cubicroot (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionIsochoricChangeOfVariable< ExpressionType > isoCoV (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionArcTan< ExpressionType > atan (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l, const Real &epsilon, const Real &K, const Real &delta)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionDerivativeArcTan< ExpressionType > derAtan (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l, const Real &epsilon, const Real &K)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionLogarithm< ExpressionType > log (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionExponential< ExpressionType > exp (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &l)
 operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions. More...
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionDot< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > dot (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
 dot The generic function for the dot product between expressions. More...
template<typename LExpressionType >
ExpressionDot< LExpressionType, ExpressionScalardot (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
template<typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionDot< ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType > dot (const Real &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionDot< ExpressionVector< Vdim >, RExpressionType > dot (const VectorSmall< Vdim > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionDot< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > dot (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionDivision< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > operator/ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
 operator/ The generic operator for the division between expressions. More...
template<typename LExpressionType >
ExpressionDivision< LExpressionType, ExpressionScalaroperator/ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const Real &r)
template<typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionDivision< ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType > operator/ (const Real &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionDivision< ExpressionVector< Vdim >, RExpressionType > operator/ (const VectorSmall< Vdim > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionDivision< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > operator/ (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionEmult< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > emult (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionEmult< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 >, RExpressionType > emult (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionEmult< LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > emult (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &r)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionExtract1< ExpressionType > extract (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &ex, const UInt &i)
 extract The generic function for the extraction More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionExtract2< ExpressionType > extract (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &ex, const UInt &i, const UInt &j)
 extract The generic function for the extraction More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionTranspose< ExpressionType > transpose (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionTranspose< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > transpose (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionNormalize< ExpressionType > normalize (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionSymmetricTensor< ExpressionType > sym (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<UInt Dim1, UInt Dim2>
ExpressionSymmetricTensor< ExpressionMatrix< Dim1, Dim2 > > sym (const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &m)
template<typename LExpressionType , typename RExpressionType >
ExpressionOuterProduct< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > outerProduct (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename RExpressionType , UInt Dim1>
ExpressionOuterProduct< ExpressionVector< Dim1 >, RExpressionType > outerProduct (const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &l, const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &r)
template<typename LExpressionType , UInt Dim1>
ExpressionOuterProduct< LExpressionType, ExpressionVector< Dim1 > > outerProduct (const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &l, const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &r)
template<UInt Dim1>
ExpressionOuterProduct< ExpressionVector< Dim1 >, ExpressionVector< Dim1 > > outerProduct (const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &l, const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &r)
ExpressionScalar value (const Real &myValue)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename VectorType >
ExpressionExtractScalar< VectorType > parameter (const VectorType &myVector)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<UInt VectorDim>
ExpressionVector< VectorDim > value (const VectorSmall< VectorDim > &myValue)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<UInt MatrixDim1, UInt MatrixDim2>
ExpressionMatrix< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 > value (const MatrixSmall< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 > &myValue)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionInterpolateValue< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > value (std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > > fespace, const VectorEpetra &vector)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > grad (std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > > fespace, const VectorEpetra &vector, const UInt &offset=0)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > laplacian (std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > > fespace, const VectorEpetra &vector, const UInt &offset=0)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > quadpts (std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > > fespace, const std::vector< std::vector< VectorSmall< FieldDim >>> &vector)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename FunctorType , typename ArgumentType >
ExpressionFunctor1< FunctorType, ArgumentType > eval (std::shared_ptr< FunctorType > fct, const ExpressionBase< ArgumentType > &argument)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename FunctorType >
ExpressionFunctor1< FunctorType, ExpressionScalareval (std::shared_ptr< FunctorType > fct, const Real &argument)
template<typename FunctorType , UInt Vdim>
ExpressionFunctor1< FunctorType, ExpressionVector< Vdim > > eval (std::shared_ptr< FunctorType > fct, const VectorSmall< Vdim > &argument)
template<typename FunctorType , typename ArgumentType1 , typename ArgumentType2 >
ExpressionFunctor2< FunctorType, ArgumentType1, ArgumentType2 > eval (std::shared_ptr< FunctorType > fct, const ArgumentType1 &arg1, const ArgumentType2 &arg2)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim>
ExpressionIfCrossed< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim > ifCrossed (std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 > > fespace, const VectorEpetra &vector)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename ExpressionType , UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar< ExpressionType, FieldDim > vectorFromScalar (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr)
template<typename ExpressionType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix< ExpressionType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > vectorFromMatrix (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr, const UInt column)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix< ExpressionType, 3, 3 > vectorFromMatrix (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr, const UInt column)
template<typename MeshType , typename MapType , UInt SpaceDim, UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionPatchArea< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > patchArea (const std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > > fespace)
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
template<typename ExpressionType , UInt FieldDim>
ExpressionScalarToVector< ExpressionType, FieldDim > scalarToVector (const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr1, const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr2, const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &expr3)
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
GraphElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > buildGraph (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
 Function to precompute the matrix graph. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename TestSpaceType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
GraphElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > buildGraph (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &testSpace, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression, const OpenMPParameters &ompParams, const UInt offsetUp=0, const UInt offsetLeft=0)
template<typename MeshType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType , typename QRAdapterType >
EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement< MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > evaluateNode (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &qrAdapterBase, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
 Integrate function for vectorial expressions. More...
template<typename MeshType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement< MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdaptevaluateNode (const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureRule &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)
template<typename MeshType , typename SolutionSpaceType , typename ExpressionType >
EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElementFaceID< MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > evaluateNode (const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &request, const QuadratureBoundary &quadrature, const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &solutionSpace, const ExpressionType &expression)


const ExpressionPhiI phi_i
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
const ExpressionPhiJ phi_j
 Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression. More...
const ExpressionHK h_K
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionDetJacobian detJ
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionMetricTensor G
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionMetricVector g
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionMeas meas_K
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE meas_BDk
const ExpressionPosition X
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...
const ExpressionNormal Nface
 Instance to be used in the expressions. More...

Function Documentation

◆ integrate() [1/16]

IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Integrate function for matricial expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a matrix with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 107 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [2/16]

IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Definition at line 133 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [3/16]

IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const OpenMPParameters ompParams,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Integrate function for matricial expressions (multi-threaded path)

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a matrix with a loop on the elements.

This is an overload of the integrate function for matrices, which uses multiple threads to do assembly

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 175 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [4/16]

IntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const OpenMPParameters ompParams,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Definition at line 201 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [5/16]

IntegrateVectorElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Integrate function for vectorial expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a vector with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 240 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [6/16]

IntegrateVectorElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Definition at line 259 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ ComputeFineScaleVel() [1/2]

ComputeFineScaleVelocity< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > ComputeFineScaleVel ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Compute stress function for vectorial expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a vector with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 291 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ ComputeFineScaleVel() [2/2]

ComputeFineScaleVelocity< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > ComputeFineScaleVel ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Definition at line 310 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ ComputeFineScalePres() [1/2]

ComputeFineScalePressure< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > ComputeFineScalePres ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Compute stress function for vectorial expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a vector with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 342 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ ComputeFineScalePres() [2/2]

ComputeFineScalePressure< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > ComputeFineScalePres ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Definition at line 361 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ EvaluateAtQuadrature() [1/2]

EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType > EvaluateAtQuadrature ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Integrate function for vectorial expressions.

Davide Forti

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a vector with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 4 times: versions with and without QR adapter versions with and without Offset

Definition at line 393 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ EvaluateAtQuadrature() [2/2]

EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt > EvaluateAtQuadrature ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offset = 0 

Definition at line 412 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [7/16]

IntegrateValueElement<MeshType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Integrate function for benchmark expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a benchmark with a loop on the elements.

This function is repeated 2 times: versions with and without QR adapter

Definition at line 436 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [8/16]

IntegrateValueElement<MeshType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 446 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [9/16]

IntegrateMatrixVolumeID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 459 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [10/16]

IntegrateMatrixVolumeID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapter,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 471 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [11/16]

IntegrateVectorVolumeID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 483 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [12/16]

IntegrateVectorVolumeID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapter,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 493 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [13/16]

IntegrateVectorFaceID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureBoundary quadratureBoundary,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 507 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [14/16]

IntegrateMatrixFaceID<MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureBoundary quadratureBoundary,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType >  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType >  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 519 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [15/16]

IntegrateMatrixFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &  request,
const LevelSetBDQRAdapter< LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > &  quadratureAdapter,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType >  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType >  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 537 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ integrate() [16/16]

IntegrateVectorFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrate ( const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &  request,
const LevelSetBDQRAdapter< LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType > &  quadratureAdapter,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType >  testSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 552 of file Integrate.hpp.

◆ elements()

RequestLoopElement<MeshType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::elements ( const std::shared_ptr< MeshType > &  mesh,
const UInt  flag = 0,
const UInt  numVolumes = 0,
const UInt volumeElements = nullptr,
const bool  subDomain = false 

elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh

Samuel Quinodoz

This method simply returns a RequestLoopElement type, so that one does not need to explicitly call this type and the type of the mesh used.

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh.

Template requirements

MeshType: See in LifeV::RequestLoopElement

Definition at line 169 of file RequestLoopElement.hpp.

◆ integrationOverSelectedVolumes()

RequestLoopVolumeID<MeshType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::integrationOverSelectedVolumes ( std::shared_ptr< std::vector< typename MeshType::element_Type *> > &  volumeListExtracted,
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< UInt > > &  indexListExtracted 

elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh

Paolo Tricerri

This method simply returns a RequestLoopElement type, so that one does not need to explicitly call this type and the type of the mesh used.

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh.

Template requirements

MeshType: See in LifeV::RequestLoopElement

Definition at line 137 of file RequestLoopVolumeID.hpp.

◆ boundary()

RequestLoopFaceID<MeshType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::boundary ( const std::shared_ptr< MeshType > &  mesh,
const UInt  id 

elements - A helper method to trigger the loop on the elements of a mesh

Samuel Quinodoz

This method simply returns a RequestLoopElement type, so that one does not need to explicitly call this type and the type of the mesh used.

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh.

Template requirements

MeshType: See in LifeV::RequestLoopElement

Definition at line 130 of file RequestLoopFaceID.hpp.

◆ grad() [1/3]

ExpressionDphiI LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::grad ( const ExpressionPhiI )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 96 of file ExpressionDphiI.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grad() [2/3]

ExpressionDphiJ LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::grad ( const ExpressionPhiJ )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 97 of file ExpressionDphiJ.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ div() [1/2]

ExpressionDivI LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::div ( const ExpressionPhiI )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 96 of file ExpressionDivI.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ div() [2/2]

ExpressionDivJ LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::div ( const ExpressionPhiJ )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 97 of file ExpressionDivJ.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ minusT() [1/2]

ExpressionMinusTransposed<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::minusT ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression to be transposed.

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionMinusTransposed

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionMinusTransposed.hpp.

◆ minusT() [2/2]

ExpressionMinusTransposed<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::minusT ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionMinusTransposed.hpp.

◆ inv() [1/2]

ExpressionInverse<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::inv ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression to be transposed.

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionInverse

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionInverse.hpp.

◆ inv() [2/2]

ExpressionInverse<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::inv ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionInverse.hpp.

◆ det() [1/2]

ExpressionDeterminant<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::det ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression of which we compute the determinant

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionDeterminant

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionDeterminant.hpp.

◆ det() [2/2]

ExpressionDeterminant<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::det ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionDeterminant.hpp.

◆ trace() [1/2]

ExpressionTrace<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::trace ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression of which we compute the trace

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionTrace

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionTrace.hpp.

◆ trace() [2/2]

ExpressionTrace<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::trace ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionTrace.hpp.

◆ laplacian() [1/3]

ExpressionLaplacianI LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::laplacian ( const ExpressionPhiI )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Davide Forti

Definition at line 96 of file ExpressionLaplacianI.hpp.

◆ laplacian() [2/3]

ExpressionLaplacianJ LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::laplacian ( const ExpressionPhiJ )

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Davide Forti

Definition at line 96 of file ExpressionLaplacianJ.hpp.

◆ operator+() [1/8]

ExpressionAddition<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

operator+ The generic operator for the addition between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator+, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the addition operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the addition operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionAddition

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionAddition

Definition at line 174 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/8]

ExpressionAddition<LExpressionType, ExpressionScalar > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

Definition at line 182 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/8]

ExpressionAddition<ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const Real l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 189 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/8]

ExpressionAddition<ExpressionVector<Vdim>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 197 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [5/8]

ExpressionAddition<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  r 

Definition at line 204 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [6/8]

ExpressionAddition<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 212 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [7/8]

ExpressionAddition<LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  r 

Definition at line 219 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator+() [8/8]

ExpressionAddition< ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2>, ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator+ ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  l,
const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  r 

Definition at line 226 of file ExpressionAddition.hpp.

◆ operator-() [1/5]

ExpressionSubstraction<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator- ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

operator- The generic operator for the substraction between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator-, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the substraction operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the substraction operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionSubstraction

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionSubstraction

Definition at line 172 of file ExpressionSubstraction.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/5]

ExpressionSubstraction<LExpressionType, ExpressionScalar > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator- ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

Definition at line 180 of file ExpressionSubstraction.hpp.

◆ operator-() [3/5]

ExpressionSubstraction<ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator- ( const Real l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 187 of file ExpressionSubstraction.hpp.

◆ operator-() [4/5]

ExpressionSubstraction<ExpressionVector<Vdim>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator- ( const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 195 of file ExpressionSubstraction.hpp.

◆ operator-() [5/5]

ExpressionSubstraction<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator- ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  r 

Definition at line 202 of file ExpressionSubstraction.hpp.

◆ operator*() [1/7]

ExpressionProduct<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 173 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [2/7]

ExpressionProduct<ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const Real l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 181 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [3/7]

ExpressionProduct<LExpressionType, ExpressionScalar> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

Definition at line 189 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [4/7]

ExpressionProduct<ExpressionVector<Vdim>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 197 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [5/7]

ExpressionProduct<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  r 

Definition at line 205 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [6/7]

ExpressionProduct<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 213 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ operator*() [7/7]

ExpressionProduct<LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator* ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  r 

Definition at line 221 of file ExpressionProduct.hpp.

◆ pow()

ExpressionPower<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::pow ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 172 of file ExpressionPower.hpp.

◆ sqrt()

ExpressionSquareRoot<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::sqrt ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l)

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 161 of file ExpressionSquareRoot.hpp.

◆ cubicroot()

ExpressionCubicRoot<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::cubicroot ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l)

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 161 of file ExpressionCubicRoot.hpp.

◆ isoCoV()

ExpressionIsochoricChangeOfVariable<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::isoCoV ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l)

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 266 of file ExpressionCubicRoot.hpp.

◆ atan()

ExpressionArcTan<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::atan ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l,
const Real epsilon,
const Real K,
const Real delta 

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

The expression that is built is:

K * atan( * ( ExpressionBase ) ) + delta

Definition at line 197 of file ExpressionArcTan.hpp.

◆ derAtan()

ExpressionDerivativeArcTan<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::derAtan ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l,
const Real epsilon,
const Real K 

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 178 of file ExpressionDerivativeArcTan.hpp.

◆ log()

ExpressionLogarithm<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::log ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l)

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 163 of file ExpressionLogarithm.hpp.

◆ exp()

ExpressionExponential<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::exp ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  l)

operator* The generic operator for the product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator*, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the product operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the product operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionProduct

Definition at line 162 of file ExpressionExponential.hpp.

◆ dot() [1/5]

ExpressionDot<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::dot ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

dot The generic function for the dot product between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the dot product.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the dot product.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionDot

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionDot

Definition at line 173 of file ExpressionDot.hpp.

◆ dot() [2/5]

ExpressionDot<LExpressionType, ExpressionScalar > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::dot ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

Definition at line 181 of file ExpressionDot.hpp.

◆ dot() [3/5]

ExpressionDot<ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::dot ( const Real l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 188 of file ExpressionDot.hpp.

◆ dot() [4/5]

ExpressionDot<ExpressionVector<Vdim>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::dot ( const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 196 of file ExpressionDot.hpp.

◆ dot() [5/5]

ExpressionDot<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::dot ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  r 

Definition at line 203 of file ExpressionDot.hpp.

◆ operator/() [1/5]

ExpressionDivision<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator/ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

operator/ The generic operator for the division between expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

Operator used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other operator/, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the division operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the division operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionDivision

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionDivision

Definition at line 172 of file ExpressionDivision.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/5]

ExpressionDivision<LExpressionType, ExpressionScalar > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator/ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const Real r 

Definition at line 180 of file ExpressionDivision.hpp.

◆ operator/() [3/5]

ExpressionDivision<ExpressionScalar, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator/ ( const Real l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 187 of file ExpressionDivision.hpp.

◆ operator/() [4/5]

ExpressionDivision<ExpressionVector<Vdim>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator/ ( const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 195 of file ExpressionDivision.hpp.

◆ operator/() [5/5]

ExpressionDivision<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::operator/ ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  r 

Definition at line 202 of file ExpressionDivision.hpp.

◆ emult() [1/3]

ExpressionEmult<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::emult ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the emult operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the emult operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionEmult

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionEmult

Definition at line 174 of file ExpressionEmult.hpp.

◆ emult() [2/3]

ExpressionEmult<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::emult ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 183 of file ExpressionEmult.hpp.

◆ emult() [3/3]

ExpressionEmult<LExpressionType, ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::emult ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  r 

Definition at line 190 of file ExpressionEmult.hpp.

◆ extract() [1/2]

ExpressionExtract1<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::extract ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  ex,
const UInt i 

extract The generic function for the extraction

Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression from which we extract

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as LifeV::ExpressionExtract1

Definition at line 172 of file ExpressionExtract1.hpp.

◆ extract() [2/2]

ExpressionExtract2<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::extract ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  ex,
const UInt i,
const UInt j 

extract The generic function for the extraction

Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression from which we extract

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as LifeV::ExpressionExtract2

Definition at line 182 of file ExpressionExtract2.hpp.

◆ transpose() [1/2]

ExpressionTranspose<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::transpose ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression to be transposed.

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionTranspose

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionTranspose.hpp.

◆ transpose() [2/2]

ExpressionTranspose<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::transpose ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionTranspose.hpp.

◆ normalize()

ExpressionNormalize<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::normalize ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression to be transposed.

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionNormalize

Definition at line 156 of file ExpressionNormalize.hpp.

◆ sym() [1/2]

ExpressionSymmetricTensor<ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::sym ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression to be transposed.

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionSymmetricTensor

Definition at line 157 of file ExpressionSymmetricTensor.hpp.

◆ sym() [2/2]

ExpressionSymmetricTensor<ExpressionMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::sym ( const MatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 > &  m)

Definition at line 166 of file ExpressionSymmetricTensor.hpp.

◆ outerProduct() [1/4]

ExpressionOuterProduct<LExpressionType, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::outerProduct ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

LExpressionType: The expression on the left side of the emult operation.

RExpressionType: The expression on the right side of the emult operation.

Template requirements

LExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionOuterProduct

RExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionOuterProduct

Definition at line 174 of file ExpressionOuterProduct.hpp.

◆ outerProduct() [2/4]

ExpressionOuterProduct<ExpressionVector<Dim1>, RExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::outerProduct ( const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &  l,
const ExpressionBase< RExpressionType > &  r 

Definition at line 183 of file ExpressionOuterProduct.hpp.

◆ outerProduct() [3/4]

ExpressionOuterProduct<LExpressionType, ExpressionVector<Dim1> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::outerProduct ( const ExpressionBase< LExpressionType > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &  r 

Definition at line 190 of file ExpressionOuterProduct.hpp.

◆ outerProduct() [4/4]

ExpressionOuterProduct<ExpressionVector<Dim1>, ExpressionVector<Dim1> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::outerProduct ( const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &  l,
const VectorSmall< Dim1 > &  r 

Definition at line 198 of file ExpressionOuterProduct.hpp.

◆ value() [1/4]

ExpressionScalar LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::value ( const Real myValue)

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 117 of file ExpressionScalar.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parameter()

ExpressionExtractScalar<VectorType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::parameter ( const VectorType &  myVector)

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 198 of file ExpressionScalar.hpp.

◆ value() [2/4]

ExpressionVector<VectorDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::value ( const VectorSmall< VectorDim > &  myValue)

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

VectorDim: The dimension (size) of the vector to be represented.

Definition at line 137 of file ExpressionVector.hpp.

◆ value() [3/4]

ExpressionMatrix<MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::value ( const MatrixSmall< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 > &  myValue)

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2: The dimensions (size) of the matrix to be represented.

Definition at line 136 of file ExpressionMatrix.hpp.

◆ value() [4/4]

ExpressionInterpolateValue<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::value ( std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >  fespace,
const VectorEpetra vector 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

FieldDim: The dimension of the finite element space (scalar vs vectorial)

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 191 of file ExpressionInterpolateValue.hpp.

◆ grad() [3/3]

ExpressionInterpolateGradient<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::grad ( std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >  fespace,
const VectorEpetra vector,
const UInt offset = 0 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

FieldDim: The dimension of the finite element space (scalar vs vectorial)

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 200 of file ExpressionInterpolateGradient.hpp.

◆ laplacian() [3/3]

ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::laplacian ( std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >  fespace,
const VectorEpetra vector,
const UInt offset = 0 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Davide Forti

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

FieldDim: The dimension of the finite element space (scalar vs vectorial)

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 198 of file ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian.hpp.

◆ quadpts()

ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::quadpts ( std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >  fespace,
const std::vector< std::vector< VectorSmall< FieldDim >>> &  vector 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

FieldDim: The dimension of the finite element space (scalar vs vectorial)

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 189 of file ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints.hpp.

◆ eval() [1/4]

ExpressionFunctor1<FunctorType, ArgumentType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::eval ( std::shared_ptr< FunctorType >  fct,
const ExpressionBase< ArgumentType > &  argument 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

This helper function builds the expression associated with the action of a functor on an expression.

Template parameters

FunctorType: The type of the functor

ArgumentType: The type of the argument, that is an expression (it is usually different from the input type expected by the functor)

Template requirements

FunctorType: Same as LifeV::ExpressionFunctor1

ArgumentType: Same as LifeV::ExpressionFunctor1

Definition at line 194 of file ExpressionFunctor.hpp.

◆ eval() [2/4]

ExpressionFunctor1<FunctorType, ExpressionScalar> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::eval ( std::shared_ptr< FunctorType >  fct,
const Real argument 

Definition at line 201 of file ExpressionFunctor.hpp.

◆ eval() [3/4]

ExpressionFunctor1<FunctorType, ExpressionVector<Vdim> > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::eval ( std::shared_ptr< FunctorType >  fct,
const VectorSmall< Vdim > &  argument 

Definition at line 208 of file ExpressionFunctor.hpp.

◆ eval() [4/4]

ExpressionFunctor2<FunctorType, ArgumentType1, ArgumentType2> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::eval ( std::shared_ptr< FunctorType >  fct,
const ArgumentType1 &  arg1,
const ArgumentType2 &  arg2 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

This helper function builds the expression associated with the action of a functor on an expression.

Template parameters

FunctorType: The type of the functor

ArgumentType1: The type of the first argument, that is an expression (it is usually different from the input type expected by the functor)

ArgumentType2: The type of the second argument, that is an expression (it is usually different from the input type expected by the functor)

Template requirements

FunctorType: Same as LifeV::ExpressionFunctor2

ArgumentType1: Same as LifeV::ExpressionFunctor2

ArgumentType2: Same as LifeV::ExpressionFunctor2

Definition at line 368 of file ExpressionFunctor.hpp.

◆ ifCrossed()

ExpressionIfCrossed<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::ifCrossed ( std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 > >  fespace,
const VectorEpetra vector 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 170 of file ExpressionIfCrossed.hpp.

◆ vectorFromScalar()

ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar<ExpressionType, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::vectorFromScalar ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr)
Samuel Quinodoz

Function used in construction of the expression tree. To avoid shadowing other functions, it uses the ExpressionBase type to distinguish expressions from other types.

Template parameters

ExpressionType: The expression of which we compute the trace

Template requirements

ExpressionType: Same as in LifeV::ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar

Definition at line 156 of file ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar.hpp.

◆ vectorFromMatrix() [1/2]

ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix<ExpressionType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::vectorFromMatrix ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr,
const UInt  column 

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

VectorDim: The dimension (size) of the vector to be represented.

Definition at line 143 of file ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix.hpp.

◆ vectorFromMatrix() [2/2]

ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix<ExpressionType, 3, 3 > LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::vectorFromMatrix ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr,
const UInt  column 

Definition at line 150 of file ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix.hpp.

◆ patchArea()

ExpressionPatchArea<MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::patchArea ( const std::shared_ptr< ETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >  fespace)

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Template parameters

MeshType: The type of the mesh stored in the finite element space

MapType: The type of map used in the finite element space

SpaceDim: The dimension of the ambient space.

FieldDim: The dimension of the finite element space (scalar vs vectorial)

Template requirements

MeshType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

MapType: Same as in LifeV::ETFESpace

Definition at line 172 of file ExpressionPatchArea.hpp.

◆ scalarToVector()

ExpressionScalarToVector<ExpressionType, FieldDim> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::scalarToVector ( const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr1,
const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr2,
const ExpressionBase< ExpressionType > &  expr3 

Definition at line 134 of file ExpressionScalarToVector.hpp.

◆ buildGraph() [1/2]

GraphElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > buildGraph ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Function to precompute the matrix graph.

Radu Popescu

This is a helper function to precompute the Crs graph used to build a FECrsMatrix in closed optimized form

Definition at line 97 of file BuildGraph.hpp.

◆ buildGraph() [2/2]

GraphElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType > buildGraph ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< TestSpaceType > &  testSpace,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression,
const OpenMPParameters ompParams,
const UInt  offsetUp = 0,
const UInt  offsetLeft = 0 

Definition at line 137 of file BuildGraph.hpp.

◆ evaluateNode() [1/3]

EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement<MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::evaluateNode ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QRAdapterBase< QRAdapterType > &  qrAdapterBase,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Integrate function for vectorial expressions.

Samuel Quinodoz

This class is an helper function to instantiate the class for performing an integration, here to assemble a vector with a loop on the elements.

Definition at line 74 of file Evaluate.hpp.

◆ evaluateNode() [2/3]

EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement<MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterNeverAdapt> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::evaluateNode ( const RequestLoopElement< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureRule quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 85 of file Evaluate.hpp.

◆ evaluateNode() [3/3]

EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElementFaceID<MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType> LifeV::ExpressionAssembly::evaluateNode ( const RequestLoopFaceID< MeshType > &  request,
const QuadratureBoundary quadrature,
const std::shared_ptr< SolutionSpaceType > &  solutionSpace,
const ExpressionType &  expression 

Definition at line 96 of file Evaluate.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ phi_i

const ExpressionPhiI phi_i

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 101 of file ExpressionPhiI.hpp.

◆ phi_j

const ExpressionPhiJ phi_j

Simple function to be used in the construction of an expression.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition at line 102 of file ExpressionPhiJ.hpp.

◆ h_K

const ExpressionHK h_K

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 91 of file ExpressionHK.hpp.

◆ detJ

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 91 of file ExpressionDetJacobian.hpp.

◆ G

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 86 of file ExpressionMetricTensor.hpp.

◆ g

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 86 of file ExpressionMetricVector.hpp.

◆ meas_K

const ExpressionMeas meas_K

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 91 of file ExpressionMeas.hpp.

◆ meas_BDk

const ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE meas_BDk

Definition at line 110 of file ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE.hpp.

◆ X

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 91 of file ExpressionPosition.hpp.

◆ Nface

const ExpressionNormal Nface

Instance to be used in the expressions.

Definition at line 91 of file ExpressionNormal.hpp.