Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAbstractNumericalFlux< Mesh, SolverType >AbstractNumericalFlux Gives a common interface for hyperbolic's flux function
 CAdd_KN_< R >
 CAdd_Mulc_KN_< R >
 Cadm_shapes< GeoShape >
 CADRAssembler< mesh_type, matrix_type, vector_type >ADRAssembler - This class add into given matrices terms corresponding to the space discretization of the ADR problem
 CADRAssembler< LifeV::RegionMesh, LifeV::MatrixEpetraStructured, LifeV::VectorEpetra >
 CADRAssemblerIP< mesh_type, matrix_type, vector_type >ADRAssemblerIP - This class is used to add IP stabilization to an Advection-Diffusion-Reaction problem
 CALE2D/3D robinMembrane Simulation class
 CAssemblyPolicyGeneralizedStokes< mesh_Type >
 CAssemblyPolicyStokes< mesh_Type >
 CAssertContextDetails about a failed assertion
 CBareEdgeThe Edge basis class
 CBareEntitySelector< Shape >BareEntitySelector class - Select the proper bare entity type (bareEdge or bareFace) based on the number of the entity points
 CBareEntitySelector< Line >
 CBareEntitySelector< Point >
 CBareEntitySelector< Quad >
 CBareEntitySelector< Triangle >
 CBareFaceThe base Face class
 CBareMesh< GeoShapeType >A struct for a bare mesh
 CBareVertexThe Vertex basis class
 CBCBaseBCBase - Base class which holds the boundary condition information
 CBCFunctionBaseBCFunctionBase - class that holds the function used for prescribing boundary conditions
 CBCFunctionUDepBaseBCFunctionUDepBase - class that holds the function used for prescribing boundary conditions
 CBCHandlerBCHandler - class for handling boundary conditions
 CBCIdentifierBaseBCIdentifierBase - Base class holding DOF identifiers for implementing BC
 CBCIdentifierComparisonBCIdentifierComp - Functor for ordering operations (required in set STL container)
 CBCInterface< BcHandler, PhysicalSolverType >BCInterface - LifeV interface to load boundary conditions completely from a GetPot file
 CBCInterfaceDataBCInterfaceData - The BCInterface data container
 CBCInterfaceFactory< BcHandlerType, PhysicalSolverType >BCInterfaceFactory - Factory to create BCInterface functions
 CBCInterfaceFunction< BcHandlerType, PhysicalSolverType >BCInterfaceFunction - Base class for BCInterface boundary functions
 CBCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined< BcHandlerType, PhysicalSolverType >BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined - Empty class for solver defined specializations
 CBCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined< BCHandler, FSIOperator >BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined - Template specialization of BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined for 3D FSI problems
 CBCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined< BCHandler, StructuralOperator< RegionMesh< LinearTetra > > >BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined - Template specialization of BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined for Solid 3D problems
 CBCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined< OneDFSIBCHandler, OneDFSISolver >BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined - Template specialization of BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined for 1D problems
 CBCManageNormal< MatrixType >BCManageNormal - class for handling normal essential boundary conditions
 CBCVectorBaseBCVectorBase - class that holds the FE vectors used for prescribing boundary conditions
 CBlockEpetra_MapThis class handles block access to parallel monolithic Vectors with an underling block structure
 CCircleInterrogator< MeshEntityType, ComparisonPolicyType >
 CcmpBareItem< T >General functor for lexicographic comparison
 CcmpBareItem< BareEdge >Specialized functor for Edges
 CcmpBareItem< BareFace >Specialized functor for Faces
 CcmpBareItem< BareVertex >Specialized functor for Vertices
 CCompareAccordingToLocalId< MeshEntity, Policy >Compare according to local ID
 CCompareAccordingToMarker< MeshEntity, Policy >Compare according to Marker ID
 CComputeFineScalePressure< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the fine scale velocity at the center of each element
 CComputeFineScaleVelocity< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the fine scale velocity at the center of each element
 CConstantConst - Base class for One Dimensional BC Functions
 Cconvert_spec< dim >
 Cconvert_spec< 1 >
 Cconvert_spec< 2 >
 Cconverter< S, MC >
 CCos_min_SinCos_min_Sin - A superimposition of a sinusoidal and a cosinusoidal waves, whose amplitude is damped by exponential terms
 CCurrentFECurrentFE - A primordial class for the assembly of the local matrices/vectors retaining the values on the real cells
 CCylinder2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 CDarcyData< MeshType >Contain the basic data for the Darcy solver
 CDarcySolverLinear< MeshType >Implements a mixed-hybrid FE Darcy solver
 CDataLevelSetDataLevelSet - Container for the data for the level set solver
 CDimSelector< Dim >
 CDimSelector< 2 >
 CDimSelector< 3 >
 CDisplayerDisplayer - This class is used to display messages in parallel simulations
 CDOFGatherer< MeshType >Class that produces a list of dof GID from a list of element LIDs
 CDOFLocalPatternDOFLocalPattern - A class to store the "couplings" between the basis functions
 CElectroETABidomainSolver< Mesh, IonicModel >BidomainSolver - Class featuring the usual solver for bidomain equations
 CElectroETAMonodomainSolver< Mesh, IonicModel >MonodomainSolver - Class featuring the solver for monodomain equations
 CEmptyPhysicalSolver< vector_Type >
 CEnquireBEdge< MeshType >
 CEnquireBFace< MeshType >Functor to check if a Face is on the boundary
 CEnquireBPoint< MeshType >
 CEntityFlagInterrogator< MeshEntity, ComparisonPolicy >A simple predicate to test the boolean flag on a mesh entity
 CEntityMarkerIDInterrogator< MeshEntity, ComparisonPolicy >A simple predicate to test the marker ID flag
 CMeshPartBuilder< MeshType >::entityPID_Type
 CMeshPartitioner< MeshType >::EntityPIDListStore ownership for each entity, subdivided by entity type
 CETA_ADR2DTestSimple ETA test to compare ETA to ADRAssembly in a 2D space
 CETA_Blocks2DTestSimple ETA test to compute a block matrix associated to the Stokes problem
 CETA_InterpolateGradient2DTestSimple ETA to check the evaluation of a gradient interpolation and the use of SmallMatrix costants in expressions
 CETA_VectorialADR2DTestSimple ETA test to compare ETA to ADRAssembly in a 2D space with a 2D solution
 CETCurrentBDFE< spaceDim >ETCurrentBDFE - Short description of the class
 CETCurrentFE< spaceDim, fieldDim >
 CETCurrentFE< spaceDim, fieldDim >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, 3 >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, SolutionSpaceType::S_fieldDim >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, TestSpaceType::field_dim >
 CETCurrentFE< 3, TestSpaceType::S_fieldDim >
 CETCurrentFE< FESpaceType::space_dim, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< LSFESpaceType ::space_dim, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< MeshType::S_geoDimensions, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< SolutionSpaceType::space_dim, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim >
 CETCurrentFE< spaceDim, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< SpaceDim, 1 >
 CETCurrentFE< SpaceDim, FieldDim >
 CETCurrentFE< TestSpaceType::space_dim, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim >
 CETCurrentFE< TestSpaceType::space_dim, TestSpaceType::field_dim >
 CETFESpace< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Class ETFESpace A light, templated version of the FESpace
 CETMatrixElementalClass ETMatrixElemental A class for describing an elemental matrix
 CETVectorElementalClass ETVectorElemental A class for describing an elemental vector
 CEvaluateAtQuadraturePoint< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute the stresses at the center of each element
 CEvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement< MeshType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CEvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElementFaceID< MeshType, SolutionTestSpace, ExpressionType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CEvaluationAddition< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the addition of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationArcTan< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationCubicRoot< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationDerivativeArcTan< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationDeterminant< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationDetJacobian< spaceDim >EvaluationDetJacobian - Evaluation of the determinant of the Jacobian
 CEvaluationDivI< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 CEvaluationDivI< 2, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function divergence in the case of a 2D vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDivI< 3, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function divergence in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDivision< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the quotient of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationDivJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 CEvaluationDivJ< 2, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function div(phi_j) in the case of a 2D vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDivJ< 3, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function div(phi_j) in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDot< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the dot product between two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationDphiI< fieldDim, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDphiI< 1, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationDphiJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_j in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationDphiJ< 1, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_j in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationEmult< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the element-wise multiplication between two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationExponential< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationExtract1< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the extraction of a row resp. component from a matrix resp. a vector
 CEvaluationExtract2< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the extraction of a component from a matrix
 CEvaluationExtractScalar< VectorType >
 CEvaluationFunctor1< FunctorType, ArgumentEvaluationType >Evaluation for a generic functor with 1 argument
 CEvaluationFunctor2< FunctorType, Argument1EvaluationType, Argument2EvaluationType >Evaluation for a generic functor with 2 arguments
 CEvaluationHK< spaceDim >EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the diameter of the cell
 CEvaluationIfCrossed< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, 3, 3 >Evaluation for the interpolation of the gradient of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >Evaluation for the interpolation of the gradient of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateLaplacian< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateLaplacian< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >Evaluation for the interpolation of the laplacian of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateValue< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationInterpolateValue< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationInverse< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationIsochoricChangeOfVariable< EvaluationBaseType >
 CEvaluationLaplacianI< fieldDim, spaceDim >Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationLaplacianI< 1, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationLaplacianJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationLaplacianJ< 1, spaceDim >Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationLogarithm< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationMatrix< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 >Evaluation for a matricial constant
 CEvaluationMeas< spaceDim >EvaluationMeas - Evaluation of the measure of the cell
 CEvaluationMeasBDCurrentFE< spaceDim >EvaluationMeasBDCurrentFE - Evaluation of the measure of the cell
 CEvaluationMetricTensor< spaceDim >EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell
 CEvaluationMetricVector< spaceDim >EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell
 CEvaluationMinusTransposed< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationNormal< spaceDim >EvaluationNormal - Evaluation of the normal
 CEvaluationNormalize< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationOuterProduct< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the element-wise multiplication between two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationPatchArea< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationPhiI< testDim >Evaluation of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE
 CEvaluationPhiI< 1 >Evaluation of the basis function phi_i in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationPhiJ< solutionDim >Evaluation of the basis function phi_j in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationPhiJ< 1 >Evaluation of the basis function phi_j in the case of a scalar FE
 CEvaluationPosition< spaceDim >EvaluationPosition - Evaluation of the position
 CEvaluationPower< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationProduct< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationReturnAtQuadraturePoints< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationReturnAtQuadraturePoints< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, 1 >Evaluation for the interpolation of a FE function
 CEvaluationScalarEvaluation for a scalar constant
 CEvaluationScalarToVector< EvaluationType, FieldDim >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationSquareRoot< EvaluationBaseType >Evaluation for the product of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationSubstraction< EvaluationLType, EvaluationRType >Evaluation for the difference of two other Evaluations
 CEvaluationSymmetricTensor< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationTrace< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationTranspose< EvaluationType >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CEvaluationVector< VectorDim >Evaluation for a vectorial constant
 CEvaluationVectorFromNonConstantMatrix< EvaluationType, SpaceDim, FieldDim >Evaluation for a vectorial constant
 CEvaluationVectorFromNonConstantScalar< EvaluationType, FieldDim >Evaluation for the transpose of another Evaluation
 CExampleClassExampleClass - Short description of the class
 CExporter< MeshType >Exporter - Pure virtual class that describes a generic exporter
 CExporterData< MeshType >ExporterData - Holds the data structure of the array to import/export
 CExporterPolicyHDF5< mesh_Type >
 CExpressionBase< DerivedType >Class ExpressionBase Base class (static polymorphism, CRTP sense) for all the expressions used in assembly procedures
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionAddition< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionArcTan< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionCubicRoot< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDerivativeArcTan< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDeterminant< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDetJacobian >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDivI >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDivision< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDivJ >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDot< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDphiI >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionDphiJ >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionEmult< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionExponential< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionExtract1< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionExtract2< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionExtractScalar< VectorType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionFunctor1< FunctorType, ArgumentType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionFunctor2< FunctorType, ArgumentType1, ArgumentType2 > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionHK >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionIfCrossed< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionInterpolateGradient< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionInterpolateValue< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionInverse< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionIsochoricChangeOfVariable< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionLaplacianI >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionLaplacianJ >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionLogarithm< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMatrix< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMeas >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMetricTensor >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMetricVector >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionMinusTransposed< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionNormal >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionNormalize< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionOuterProduct< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionPatchArea< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionPhiI >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionPhiJ >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionPosition >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionPower< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionProduct< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints< MeshType, MapType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionScalar >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionScalarToVector< ExpressionType, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionSquareRoot< BaseExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionSubstraction< LExpressionType, RExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionSymmetricTensor< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionTrace< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionTranspose< ExpressionType > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionVector< VectorDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix< ExpressionType, SpaceDim, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionBase< ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar< ExpressionType, FieldDim > >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< Expression, testDim, solutionDim, spaceDim >Class ExpressionToEvaluation A class to pass from an Expression (Tree) to the corresponding Evaluation (Tree)
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, 0, 0, 3 >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, 0, 0, MeshType::S_geoDimensions >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim, 0, MeshType::S_geoDimensions >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, SolutionTestSpace::field_dim, 0, 3 >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::field_dim, 0, 3 >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::field_dim, 0, MeshType::S_geoDimensions >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::field_dim, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim, 3 >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::field_dim, SolutionSpaceType::field_dim, MeshType::S_geoDimensions >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::S_fieldDim, 0, 3 >
 CExpressionToEvaluation< ExpressionType, TestSpaceType::S_fieldDim, SolutionSpaceType::S_fieldDim, 3 >
 CfactoryImplements a generic object factory
 CFactoryDefaultError< AbstractProduct >
 CFactoryPolicyCreationUsingNew< T >
 CFactoryPolicyLifeTimeDefault< T >
 CFactorySingleton< SingletonType >Implement the FactorySingleton pattern
 CFEField< MeshType, MapType, ReturnType >FEField - This class gives an abstract implementation of a finite element field
 CFEField< MeshType, MapType, Real >
 CFEField< MeshType, MapType, Vector >
 CFEFunction< MeshType, MapType, ReturnType >FEFunction - This class gives an abstract implementation of a finite element function on finite elements fields
 CFESpace< MeshType, MapType >FESpace - Short description here please!
 CFESpace< LifeV::RegionMesh, LifeV::MapEpetra >
 CFESpace< Mesh, LifeV::MapEpetra >
 CFortranCharacterStringF77 compatible character class
 CFortranMatrix< ScalarType >A matrix class for interfacing with fortran
 CFSI3DBoundaryAreaFunctionFSI3DBoundaryAreaFunction - The FSI3D area function
 CFSI3DBoundaryFlowRateFunctionFSI3DBoundaryFlowRateFunction - The FSI3D coupling function
 CFSI3DBoundaryStressFunctionFSI3DBoundaryStressFunction - The FSI3D coupling function
 CFSIcouplingCEFSIcouplingCE - File handling the coupling blocks when conforming discretizations are used
 CFSIDataFSIData - Data container for FSI problems
 CFSIHandlerFSIHandler - File handling the solution of the FSI problem
 CFSIOperatorFluid-Structure Interface operator class
 CFSISolverSolver for Fluid-Structure Interaction
 CGeoDim< geoDimensions >Dummy class for selecting correct function specializations based on geometry dimensions (1,2,3)
 CGeoDim< S_geoDimensions >
 CGetCoordComponentThis functor is used to do some geometry checks
 CGhostEntityDataGhost entity data structure
 CGhostHandler< MeshType >GhostHandler
 CGraphCutterBase< MeshType >Graph cutter base class (abstract)
 CGraphElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to precompute a graph
 CHarmonicExtensionSolver< Mesh, SolverType >
 CHeartBidomainSolver< Mesh, SolverType >
 CHeartIonicSolver< Mesh, SolverType >IonicSolver - This class implements a ionic model solver
 CHeartMonodomainSolver< Mesh, SolverType >MonodomainSolver - Class featuring the usual solver for monodomain equations
 CHyperbolicData< Mesh >
 CHyperbolicSolver< Mesh, SolverType >HyperbolicSolver Implements an hyperbolic solver
 Cid_of< geoshape >
 CIdGetter< Selector >Generic definition of the functor to extract the local or global ID
 CImporterImporter General interface for read different types of mesh
 CInitPolicyInterpolation< mesh_Type >
 CIntegrateMatrixElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a matrix
 CIntegrateMatrixElementLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a matrix
 CIntegrateMatrixFaceID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateMatrixFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateMatrixVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, SolutionSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateValueElement< MeshType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to compute a value
 CIntegrateValueElementLSAdapted< MeshType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, VectorType >IntegrateValueElementLSAdapted - Class to integrate a value using a quadrature conforming to a level set
 CIntegrateVectorElement< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateVectorElementLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector using special QR
 CIntegrateVectorFaceID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateVectorFaceIDLSAdapted< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CIntegrateVectorVolumeID< MeshType, TestSpaceType, ExpressionType, QRAdapterType >The class to actually perform the loop over the elements to assemble a vector
 CisNullFinder< T >
 CisNullFinder< char * >
 CisNullFinder< const char * >
 ClaplacianFunctor< Return_Type >
 CLevelSetBDQRAdapter< FESpaceType, VectorType >
 CLevelSetBDQRAdapter< LSFESpaceType, LSVectorType >
 CLevelSetInterrogator< MeshEntityType >
 CLifeChronoManager< TimerType >
 CLinearSolverLinearSolver - Class to wrap linear solver
 CMapEpetraMapEpetra - Wrapper for Epetra_Map
 CMapVector< MapType >This class is used to store maps that will be used for block defined problems
 CMarker< MarkerIDPolicy >Marker - Base marker class
 CMarker< FlagPolicy >
 CMarkerCommon< MT >MarkerCommon - A trait class that defines the markers used in RegionMesh
 CMarkerIDStandardPolicyMarkerIDStandardPolicy - Class that defines the standard policies on Marker Ids
 CMarkerSelector< MeshEntityType, ComparisonPolicyType >
 CMatriceCreuseDivKN_< R >
 CMatriceCreuseMulKN_< R >
 CMatrixBlockMonolithicEpetraView< DataType >MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetraView - class representing a block in a MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetra
 CMatrixBlockStructureMatrixBlockStructure - class representing the structure of a vector
 CMatrixContainer< KEYTYPE >
 CMatrixEpetra< DataType >MatrixEpetra - The Epetra Matrix format Wrapper
 CMatrixEpetraStructuredView< DataType >MatrixEpetraStructuredView - class representing a block in a MatrixEpetraStructured
 CMatrixSmall< Dim1, Dim2 >Class VectorSmall This class implements a simple $ R^n $ vector
 CMatrixSmall< 3, 3 >
 CMatrixSmall< MatrixDim1, MatrixDim2 >
 CMeshColoringMeshData - class for coloring mesh
 CMeshDataMeshData - class for handling spatial discretization
 CMeshEntityThis is the base class to store basic properties of any mesh entity
 CMeshPartBuilder< MeshType >Class that builds a mesh part, after the graph has been partitioned
 CMeshPartitioner< MeshType >Class that handles mesh partitioning
 CMeshPartitionerOfflineFSI< MeshType >MeshPartitionerOfflineFSI - Offline mesh partitioning for FSI
 CMeshPartitionTool< MeshType >Class that does flexible mesh partitioning
 CmeshSizeIt holds statistics on mesh size
 CMeshTransformer< REGIONMESH, RMTYPE >Class to transform a mesh
 CMeshTransformer< LifeV::RegionMesh< geoShape_Type, markerCommon_Type >, markerCommon_Type >
 CMeshVolumeSubdivision< MeshType >MeshVolumeSubdivision
 CMonolithicBlockMonolithicBlock - This is a pure virtual class for the linear operators with a block structure
 CMonolithicRobinInterfaceMonolithicRobinInterface - Class for the Robin coupling of etherogeneaous problems
 CMul_KNM_KN_< R >
 CMulc_KN_< R >
 CMultiscaleAlgorithmMultiscaleAlgorithm - The Multiscale Algorithm Interface
 CMultiscaleCommunicatorsManagerMultiscaleCommunicatorsManager - The Multiscale Communicators Manager
 CMultiscaleCouplingMultiscaleCoupling - The Multiscale Physical Coupling
 CMultiscaleCouplingFunctionMultiscaleCouplingFunction - The multiscale function for the couplings
 CMultiscaleGlobalDataMultiscaleGlobalData - Global data container for the physical quantities of the problem
 CMultiscaleInterfaceMultiscaleInterface - The multiscale interface for fluid problems
 CMultiscaleModelMultiscaleModel - The Multiscale Physical Model
 CMultiscaleSolverMultiscaleSolver - The Multiscale solver
 CNavierStokes< MeshType, Problem >NavierStokes Simulation class
 CNavierStokesProblem< mesh_Type >
 CNavierStokesProblem< esMesh_Type >
 CNavierStokesProblem< RegionMesh< LinearTetra > >
 CNeighborMarkerCommon< MT >
 CNonLinearAitken< VectorType >NonLinearAitken - LifeV class for the non-linear generalized Aitken algorithm
 CNonLinearAitken< fluidVector_Type >
 CNonLinearAitken< LifeV::VectorEpetra >
 CNonLinearAitken< vector_Type >
 COneDFSIBCOneDFSIBC - Class featuring methods to handle boundary conditions
 COneDFSIBCHandlerOneDFSIBCHandler - Class featuring methods to handle boundary conditions
 COneDFSIDataOneDFSIData - Class which read and holds all the data for the One Dimensional Model Solver
 COneDFSIFluxOneDFSIFlux - Base class for the flux term $\mathbf F$ of the 1D hyperbolic problem
 COneDFSIFunctionOneDFSIFunction - Base class for 1D BC Functions
 COneDFSIFunctionSolverDefinedOneDFSIModelBCFunctionDefault - Base class for deriving specific 1D boundary functions
 COneDFSIPhysicsOneDFSIPhysics - Base class providing physical operations for the 1D model data
 COneDFSISolverOneDFSISolver - Solver class for the 1D model
 COneDFSISourceOneDFSISource - Base class for the source term $\mathbf S$ of the 1D hyperbolic problem
 COpenMPParametersOpenMP parameter class
 COperationSmallAddition< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the addition operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallArcTan< Base >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallCubicRoot< Argument >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallDerivativeArcTan< Base >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallDeterminant< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallDivision< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallDivision Class containing information about the division operation between *Small classes
 COperationSmallDot< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallDot Class containing information about the dot product operation between Small* classes
 COperationSmallEmult< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallEmult Class containing information about the element-wise multiplication product operation between Small* classes
 COperationSmallExponential< Argument >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallExtract1< Operand >Class OperationSmallExtract Class containing information about the extraction of a row or component within Small* classes
 COperationSmallExtract2< Operand >
 COperationSmallInverse< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallLogarithm< Base >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallMinusTranspose< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallNormalize< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallOuterProduct< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallOuterProduct Class containing information about the element-wise multiplication product operation between Small* classes
 COperationSmallPower< Base, Exponent >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallProduct< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallProduct Class containing information about the product operation between *Small classes
 COperationSmallSquareRoot< Argument >Class OperationSmallAddition Class containing information about the power operation between the *Small classes
 COperationSmallSubstraction< LeftOperand, RightOperand >Class OperationSmallSubstraction Class containing information about the substraction operation between *Small classes
 COperationSmallSymmetricTensor< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallTrace< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COperationSmallTranspose< Operand >Class OperationSmallTranspose Class containing information about the transpose operation for Small* classes
 COseenAssembler< meshType, matrixType, vectorType >OseenAssembler - Assembly class for the Oseen problem
 COseenDataOseenData - LifeV Base class which holds usual data for the NavierStokes equations solvers
 COseenSolver< MeshType, SolverType >This class contains an Oseen equation solver
 COutflow2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 COutPutFormatOutPutFormat - Write to output
 CParserParser - A string parser for algebraic expressions
 Cpartitioner< dim >
 Cpartitioner< 1 >
 Cpartitioner< 2 >
 CPhysiologicalFluxPhysiologicalFlux - Base class for One Dimensional BC Functions
 CPostProcessingBoundary< MeshType >Class with methods to manage fields defined on the domain boundary
 CPreconditionerPreconditioner - Abstract preconditioner class
 CNavierStokes< MeshType, Problem >::Private
 Ctest_bdf::PrivatePrivate Members
 Cfefct::PrivatePrivate Members
 Cdarcy_nonlinear::PrivatePrivate Members
 Cdarcy_linear::PrivatePrivate Members
 Cproblem::PrivatePrivate members
 Chyperbolic::PrivatePrivate Members
 Cimpes::PrivatePrivate Members
 CQRAdapterBase< ImplementationType >
 CQRAdapterBase< MCQuadrature< MeshType > >
 CQRAdapterBase< QRAdapterNeverAdapt >
 CQRKeast< degree >QRKeast - A set of quadrature for tetrahedra
 CQRKeast< 1 >
 CQRKeast< 4 >
 CQRKeast< 6 >
 CQRKeast< 7 >
 CQuadratureBoundaryQuadratureBoundary - Short description of the class
 CQuadraturePointQuadraturePoint - Simple container for a point of a quadrature rule
 CQuadratureRuleQuadratureRule - The basis class for storing and accessing quadrature rules
 CQuadratureRuleBoundaryQuadratureRuleBoundary - Short description of the class
 CQuadratureRuleProviderQuadratureRuleProvider - This class is used to generate quadrature rules
 CRBFInterpolation< mesh_Type >
 CReferenceElementReferenceElement - The basis class for the geometric mapping and the reference finite elements
 CRefHybridFEClass for Hybrid functions, i.e. defined on the boundary of an element
 CRequestLoopElement< MeshType >RequestLoopElement - The class to request a loop over the elements of a mesh
 CRequestLoopFaceID< MeshType >
 CRequestLoopVolumeID< MeshType >
 CResetFlag< meshEntity >
 CResistanceTest2D/3D Cylinder Simulation class
 CNavierStokes< MeshType, Problem >::RESULT_CHANGED_EXCEPTION
 Cshape_id< id >
 Cshape_type< T >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::GeoPoint >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::LinearHexa >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::LinearLine >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::LinearQuad >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::LinearTetra >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::LinearTriangle >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::nullShape >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::QuadraticHexa >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::QuadraticLine >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::QuadraticQuad >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::QuadraticTetra >
 Cshape_type< LifeV::QuadraticTriangle >
 Cshape_type< shape >
 CSinSin - Sinusoidal wave
 CSolverAmesosSolverAmesos - Class to wrap linear solver
 CSolverAztecOOSolverAztecOO - Class to wrap linear solver
 CZeroDimensionalData::SolverDataRhytmos solver data container
 CSourceFct_2dUser functions
 CSphereCounter< MeshEntityType, ComparisonPolicyType >
 CSphereInterrogator< MeshEntityType, ComparisonPolicyType >
 CStabilizationIP< MeshType, DofType >StabilizationIP Class
 CStabilizationIP< LifeV::RegionMesh, LifeV::DOF >
 CStabilizationSD< MeshType, DofType >StabilizationSD Class
 CStructuralAnisotropicConstitutiveLaw< MeshType >
 CStructuralConstitutiveLaw< MeshType >This class is an abstract class to define different type of models for the arterial wall. This class has just pure virtual methods. They are implemented in the specific class for one material
 CStructuralConstitutiveLawDataDataElasticStructure - Data container for solid problems with elastic structure
 CStructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw< MeshType >
 CStructuralOperator< Mesh >
 CStructuralSolverThis class solves the linear elastodynamics equations for different kinds of materials (St. Venant-Kirchoff materials right now)
 CSub_KN_< R >
 Ctester< S >
 CTestRepeatedMesh< Dim >
 CTimeAdvance< feVectorType >TimeAdvance_template - File containing a class to deal the time advancing scheme
 CTimeAdvance< double >
 CTimeAdvance< vector_Type >
 CTimeAdvance< VectorType >
 CTimeAdvanceBDFNavierStokes< VectorType >
 CTimeAdvanceBDFVariableStep< FEVectorType >TimeAdvanceBDFVariableStep - Backward differencing formula time discretization with non-uniform time step
 CTimeAdvanceDataTimeAdvanceData - Class for handling temporal discretization
 CTimeAndExtrapolationHandlerQuadPts< DIM >
 CTimeDataTimeData - Class for handling temporal discretization
 CTransportBufferThis structure is used to pack objects in the Zoltan migration phase
 CVectorBlockMonolithicEpetraViewVectorBlockMonolithicEpetraView - class representing a block in a VectorBlockMonolithicEpetra
 CVectorBlockStructureVectorBlockStructure - class representing the structure of a vector
 CVectorContainer< VectorType, ContainerType >VectorContainer - LifeV vector composed by concatenating other vectors
 CVectorEpetraVectorEpetra - The Epetra Vector format Wrapper
 CVectorEpetraStructuredViewVectorEpetraStructuredView - class representing a block in a VectorEpetraStructuredView
 CVectorSmall< Dim >
 CVectorSmall< 3 >Class VectorSmall<3> Partial specialization for the 3D case
 CVectorSmall< FieldDim >
 CVectorSmall< VectorDim >
 CVenantKirchhoffViscoelasticSolver< Mesh, SolverType >SecondOrderProblem this class solver second order problem, waves equation and linear viscoelastic problem
 CVerifySolutionsThis class helps the testsuites in verifying that the solutions do not change from one execution to the other
 CWallClockWall clock timer class
 CWallTensionEstimator< Mesh >This class lets to compute the wall tensions inside the arterial wall. The tensorial operations that are needed to compute the stress tensor are defined in AssemblyElementalStructure. When a new type of analysis wants to be performed new methods can be added
 CWallTensionEstimatorDataDataElasticStructure - Data container for solid problems with elastic structure
 CZeroDimensionalBCZeroDimensionalBC - A boundary condition for zero-dimensional models
 CZeroDimensionalBCHandlerZeroDimensionalBCHandler - A boundary conditions handler for zero-dimensional models
 CZeroDimensionalCircuitDataZeroDimensionalCircuitData - Container of circuit data
 CZeroDimensionalDataData container for 0D model
 CZeroDimensionalElementZeroDimensionalElement - The base element class
 CZeroDimensionalElementSZeroDimensionalElementS - Container of elements
 CZeroDimensionalFunctionZeroDimensionalFunction - A boundary conditions function for zero-dimensional models
 CZeroDimensionalNodeZeroDimensionalNode - The base node class
 CZeroDimensionalNodeSZeroDimensionalNodeS - Container of nodes
 CZeroDimensionalSolverZeroDimensional Solver