ADRAssembler.hpp | File containing the ADRAssembler class |
ADRAssemblerIP.hpp | File containing the IP stabilization for the ADR problem |
ADRData.cpp | |
ADRData.hpp | File containing a class for handling data and parameters for advection-diffusion-reaction problems |
ALESolver.cpp | |
ALESolver.hpp | Classes to hold algorithms for the mesh motion, for instance, involved in a ALE formulation |
analyticalSol.hpp | |
AnalyticalSolution.hpp | |
AnisotropicMultimechanismMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
ApproximatedInvertibleRowMatrix.cpp | |
ApproximatedInvertibleRowMatrix.hpp | |
ArraySimple.hpp | The file contains two classes implementing a wrap up of Standard Library vector class to allow indexing from one |
aSIMPLEOperator.cpp | |
aSIMPLEOperator.hpp | SIMPLE preconditioner for Navier-Stokes equations |
Assembly.hpp | File containing method to insert local contributions in the global system |
AssemblyElemental.cpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
AssemblyElemental.hpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
fsi_blocks/solver/AssemblyElementalStructure.cpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators for the structural problem |
structure/fem/AssemblyElementalStructure.cpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators for the structural problem |
fsi_blocks/solver/AssemblyElementalStructure.hpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
structure/fem/AssemblyElementalStructure.hpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
AssemblyPolicyGeneralizedStokes.hpp | |
AssemblyPolicyNavierStokesNewton.hpp | |
AssemblyPolicyNavierStokesPicard.hpp | |
AssemblyPolicyNavierStokesSemiImplicit.hpp | |
AssemblyPolicyStokes.hpp | |
AztecooOperator.cpp | AztecooOperator |
AztecooOperator.hpp | AztecooOperator |
AztecooOperatorAlgebra.cpp | |
AztecooOperatorAlgebra.hpp | |
BareMesh.hpp | Contains utility for importing meshes |
mesh/basic_test.cpp | Test the consistency of the mesh data structure |
region_marker_id/basic_test.cpp | |
BCBase.cpp | Classes to handle boundary conditions |
BCBase.hpp | Classes to handle boundary conditions |
BCDataInterpolator.cpp | File containing a class for interpolating boundary functions from scattered data |
BCDataInterpolator.hpp | File containing a class for interpolating boundary functions from scattered data |
BCFunction.cpp | File contains BCManageNormal class for handling normal essential boundary conditions |
BCFunction.hpp | File contains BCManageNormal class for handling normal essential boundary conditions |
BCHandler.cpp | File containing BCHandler class for handling boundary conditions |
BCHandler.hpp | File containing BCHandler class for handling boundary conditions |
BCIdentifier.cpp | Implementations for BCIdentifier.hpp |
BCIdentifier.hpp | Classes for identifiers |
BCInterface.hpp | File containing the BCInterface main class |
BCInterface0D.hpp | File containing the BCInterface0D class |
BCInterface1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterface1D class |
BCInterface3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterface3D class |
BCInterfaceData.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData class |
BCInterfaceData.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData class |
BCInterfaceData0D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData0D class |
BCInterfaceData0D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData0D class |
BCInterfaceData1D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData1D class |
BCInterfaceData1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData1D class |
BCInterfaceData3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData3D class |
BCInterfaceData3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceData3D class |
BCInterfaceDefinitions.hpp | File containing the BCInterface definitions |
BCInterfaceFactory.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFactory class |
BCInterfaceFunction.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunction class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParser.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParser class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParser0D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParser0D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParser1D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParser1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserEmpty3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserEmpty3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFile.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserFile class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFileSolver.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserFileSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFluid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFluid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFSI3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserFSI3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver0D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver0D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver1D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverFluid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverFluid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverFSI3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverFSI3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverSolid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolverSolid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionParserSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined1D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefinedFSI3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefinedFSI3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefinedSolid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefinedSolid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionSolverDefined class and specializations |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined0D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined0D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined1D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefined1D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedEmpty3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedEmpty3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedFluid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedFluid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedFSI3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedFSI3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolid3D.cpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolid3D.hpp | File containing the BCInterfaceFunctionUserDefinedSolver class |
BCManage.cpp | Functions for prescribing boundary conditions |
BCManage.hpp | Functions for prescribing boundary conditions |
BCManageNormal.hpp | File contains BCManageNormal class for handling normal essential boundary conditions |
BCVector.cpp | File contains classes to holds the FE vectors used for prescribing boundary conditions |
BCVector.hpp | File contains classes to holds the FE vectors used for prescribing boundary conditions |
BDFSecondOrderDerivative.cpp | |
BDFSecondOrderDerivative.hpp | |
BelosOperator.cpp | BelosOperator |
BelosOperator.hpp | BelosOperator |
BelosOperatorAlgebra.cpp | |
BelosOperatorAlgebra.hpp | |
benchmarkUtility.hpp | Set of utility for the electrophysiology benchmark |
bessel.hpp | |
bessik.cpp | |
bessjy.cpp | |
BlockEpetra_Map.cpp | |
BlockEpetra_Map.hpp | |
BlockEpetra_MultiVector.cpp | |
BlockEpetra_MultiVector.hpp | |
BlockJacobiPreconditioner.cpp | |
BlockJacobiPreconditioner.hpp | |
BlockOperator.cpp | |
BlockOperator.hpp | |
fsi/examples/application_aortaFSI/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/examples/benchmark_GreenshieldsWeller/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/examples/challenge_VPH/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_segregated/boundaryConditions.hpp | |
fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_restart/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_tube/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_aorta_semi_implicit/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_external_flow/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions of the external fluid flow example |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_steady_navier_stokes/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_time_dependent_navier_stokes/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/semi_implicit_time_dependent_navier_stokes/boundaryConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
BuildGraph.hpp | This file contains the definition of the buildGraph function |
cavity/cavity.cpp | |
cavity.cpp | |
cavity.old.cpp | |
cavity_ns.cpp | |
cavity_stokes.cpp | |
cbessik.cpp | |
cbessjy.cpp | |
ComposedOperator.hpp | |
CompositeOperator.cpp | |
CompositeOperator.hpp | |
ComputeFineScalePressure.hpp | This file contains the computation of fine scale velocity inside an element |
ComputeFineScaleVelocity.hpp | This file contains the computation of fine scale velocity inside an element |
ConfinedOperator.cpp | BelosOperator |
ConfinedOperator.hpp | ConfinedOperator |
ConvertBareMesh.hpp | Convert a BareMesh into a RegionMesh |
copyright_check.cpp | |
copyright_check.hpp | |
crlf_check.cpp | |
crlf_check.hpp | |
CurrentFE.cpp | File containing the CurrentFE class implementation |
CurrentFE.hpp | File containing the CurrentFE class |
CurrentFEManifold.cpp | |
CurrentFEManifold.hpp | A class for a finite element living on a manifold |
cvs_iterator.hpp | |
cylinder.cpp | |
cylinder.hpp | |
2d/darcy.cpp | |
3d/darcy.cpp | |
2d/darcy.hpp | |
3d/darcy.hpp | |
DarcyData.hpp | This file contains the data for all the Darcy solver |
DarcyDummy.cpp | This file contains a dummy object to create something in the lib. Otherwise ar complains |
DarcySolverLinear.hpp | This file contains a Darcy solver with mixed-hybrid finite elements |
DarcySolverNonLinear.hpp | This file contains a non-linear permeability term Darcy equation solver class |
DarcySolverTransient.hpp | This file contains a time dependent Darcy equation solver class |
DarcySolverTransientNonLinear.hpp | This file contains a non-linear and (possibly) degenerate permeability term Darcy equation using expanded formulation |
Displayer.cpp | Template input variables for more general output messages: now it is possible to display not only strings but also Int, Real, etc. |
Displayer.hpp | Template input variables for more general output messages: now it is possible to display not only strings but also Int, Real, etc. |
DistributedHolzapfelMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
DOF.cpp | Degrees of freedom, the class that provides the localtoglobal table |
DOF.hpp | Degrees of freedom, the class that provides the localtoglobal table |
DOFGatherer.hpp | Class that produces a list of dof GID from a list of element LIDs |
DOFInterface.cpp | Base Class for interfacing dofs between two meshes |
DOFInterface.hpp | Base Class for interfacing dofs between two meshes |
DOFInterface3Dto2D.cpp | Class for connecting the dof of a mesh (3D) and an interface (2D) that lives on the boundary of the mesh |
DOFInterface3Dto2D.hpp | Class for connecting the dof of a mesh (3D) and an interface (2D) that lives on the boundary of the mesh |
DOFInterface3Dto3D.cpp | Class for interfacing dofs between two 3D meshes, implementation |
DOFInterface3Dto3D.hpp | Class for interfacing dofs between two 3D meshes |
DOFInterfaceIO.cpp | Class that handles I/O of fluid-solid DOF interfaces in FSI |
DOFInterfaceIO.hpp | Class that handles I/O of fluid-solid DOF interfaces in FSI |
DOFLocalPattern.cpp | This file contains the definition of the DOFLocalPattern class |
DOFLocalPattern.hpp | This file contains the definition of the DOFLocalPattern class |
dummy.cpp | |
Dummy.cpp | |
Dummy.hpp | |
EigenSolver.cpp | |
EigenSolver.hpp | Class handling an eigensolver |
ElectroETABidomainSolver.hpp | Class for solving the Bidomain equations in electrophysiology |
ElectroETAMonodomainSolver.hpp | Class for solving the Monodomain model in electrophysiology |
ElectroIonicModel.cpp | Base class for ionic models |
ElectroIonicModel.hpp | |
ElectrophysiologyUtility.hpp | Utilities |
ElectroStimulus.cpp | Base class for applying cardiac stimulus |
ElectroStimulus.hpp | Base class for applying cardiac stimulus |
ElementShapes.cpp | Contains the basic element shapes, to be used by Geometric and Finite Elements |
ElementShapes.hpp | Contains the basic element shapes, to be used by Geometric and Finite Elements |
EmptyPhysicalSolver.hpp | File containing a default physical solver in orde to use the bc interface |
EncoderBase64.cpp | An algorithm to encode / decode a string into base64 format |
EncoderBase64.hpp | An algorithm to encode / decode a string into base64 format |
ensightToHdf5.cpp | Convert from Ensight to HDF5 |
ensightToHdf5.hpp | |
ensightToVTK.cpp | Test for converting from Ensight to VTK |
entity_selection.cpp | Example usage of MeshEntityContainer features |
EnumMapEpetra.hpp | EnumMapEpetra |
ETA_ADR1DTest.cpp | |
ETA_ADR1DTest.hpp | |
ETA_ADR2DTest.cpp | |
ETA_ADR2DTest.hpp | |
ETA_Blocks2DTest.cpp | |
ETA_Blocks2DTest.hpp | |
ETA_InterpolateGradient2DTest.cpp | |
ETA_InterpolateGradient2DTest.hpp | |
ETA_VectorialADR2DTest.cpp | |
ETA_VectorialADR2DTest.hpp | |
ETCurrentBDFE.hpp | A short description of the file content |
ETCurrentFE.cpp | This file contains the complete specialization of the ETCurrentFE methods updateDetJacobian and updateInverseJacobian |
ETCurrentFE.hpp | This file contains the definition of the ETCurrentFE |
ETCurrentFE_FD3.hpp | |
ETCurrentFlag.hpp | This file contains the definition of the flags for the ETCurrentFE class |
ETFESpace.hpp | This file contains the definition of the ETFESpace |
ETmain.cpp | |
ETMatrixElemental.cpp | This file contains the implementation of the ETMatrixElemental class |
ETMatrixElemental.hpp | This file contains the definition of the ETMatrixElemental class |
ETRobinMembraneSolver.cpp | |
ETRobinMembraneSolver.hpp | |
ETVectorElemental.hpp | This file contains the definition of the ETVectorElemental class |
Evaluate.hpp | This file contains the definition of the integrate function |
EvaluateAtQuadraturePoint.hpp | This file contains the evaluation of vectors at quadrature points |
EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElement.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElement class |
EvaluateNodalExpressionVectorElementFaceID.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElement class |
EvaluationAddition.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationArcTan.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationCubicRoot.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationDerivativeArcTan.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationDeterminant.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationDetJacobian.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the determinat jacobian |
EvaluationDivI.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDivI class |
EvaluationDivision.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDivision class |
EvaluationDivJ.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDivJ class |
EvaluationDot.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDot class |
EvaluationDphiI.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDphiI class |
EvaluationDphiJ.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationDphiJ class |
EvaluationEmult.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationEmult class |
EvaluationExponential.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationExtract1.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationExtract1 class |
EvaluationExtract2.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationExtract2 class |
EvaluationFunctor.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationFunctor class |
EvaluationHK.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the diameter |
EvaluationIfCrossed.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateValue class |
EvaluationInterpolateGradient.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateGradient class |
EvaluationInterpolateLaplacian.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateLaplacian class |
EvaluationInterpolateValue.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateValue class |
EvaluationInverse.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationLaplacianI.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationLaplacianI class |
EvaluationLaplacianJ.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationLaplacianJ class |
EvaluationLogarithm.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationMatrix.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationMatrix class |
EvaluationMeas.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the measure |
EvaluationMeasBDCurrentFE.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the measure |
EvaluationMetricTensor.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the diameter |
EvaluationMetricVector.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the diameter |
EvaluationMinusTransposed.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationNormal.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the normal |
EvaluationNormalize.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationOuterProduct.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationEmult class |
EvaluationPatchArea.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateValue class |
EvaluationPhiI.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationPhiI class |
EvaluationPhiJ.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationPhiJ class |
EvaluationPosition.hpp | This file contains the definition of the evaluation for the position |
EvaluationPower.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationProduct.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationReturnAtQuadraturePoints.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationInterpolateValue class |
EvaluationScalar.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationScalar class |
EvaluationScalarToVector.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationScalarToVector class |
EvaluationSquareRoot.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationAddition class |
EvaluationSubstraction.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationSubstraction class |
EvaluationSymmetricTensor.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationTrace.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationTranspose.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
EvaluationVector.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationVector class |
EvaluationVectorFromNonConstantMatrix.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationVector class |
EvaluationVectorFromNonConstantScalar.hpp | This file contains the definition of the EvaluationTranspose class |
ExampleClass.cpp | A short description of the file content |
ExampleClass.hpp | A short description of the file content |
ExponentialMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
Exporter.hpp | Exporter and ExporterData classes provide interfaces for post-processing |
ExporterEmpty.hpp | This file provides a dummy interface for post-processing |
ExporterEnsight.hpp | This file provides an interface for post-processing with ensight |
ExporterHDF5.hpp | This file provides the class ExporterHDF5 for post-processing with hdf5 |
ExporterHDF5Mesh3D.hpp | Class derived from ExporterHDF5 to provide I/O for the mesh partitions (RegionMesh only) |
ExporterPolicyHDF5.hpp | |
ExporterPolicyNoExporter.hpp | |
ExporterVTK.hpp | This file provides an interface for post-processing with VTK/Paraview by writing files in VTK XML format |
ExpressionAddition.hpp | File where the structures for the addition between expressions are defined |
ExpressionArcTan.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionBase.hpp | File where the base class for the expressions is defined |
ExpressionCubicRoot.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
fsi_blocks/solver/ExpressionDefinitions.cpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
structure/fem/ExpressionDefinitions.cpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
fsi_blocks/solver/ExpressionDefinitions.hpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
structure/fem/ExpressionDefinitions.hpp | File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators |
ExpressionDerivativeArcTan.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionDeterminant.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionDetJacobian.cpp | The implementation of the h_K expression |
ExpressionDetJacobian.hpp | File containing the Expression for the DETERMINANT JACOBIAN |
ExpressionDivI.cpp | File containing the implementation of the div(phi_i) expression |
ExpressionDivI.hpp | File containing the definition of the divergence (test function) expression |
ExpressionDivision.hpp | File where the structures for the division between expressions are defined |
ExpressionDivJ.cpp | File containing the implementation of the div(phi_j) expression |
ExpressionDivJ.hpp | File containing the definition of the div(phi_j) expression |
ExpressionDot.hpp | File where the structures for the dot product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionDphiI.cpp | File containing the implementation of the dphi_i expression |
ExpressionDphiI.hpp | File containing the definition of the dphi_i expression |
ExpressionDphiJ.cpp | File containing the implementation of the dphi_j expression |
ExpressionDphiJ.hpp | File containing the definition of the dphi_j expression |
ExpressionEmult.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionExponential.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionExtract1.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used for the extraction of a row resp. component from a matrix resp. a vector |
ExpressionExtract2.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used for the extraction of a component from a matrix |
ExpressionFunctor.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used for a general functor |
ExpressionHK.cpp | The implementation of the h_K expression |
ExpressionHK.hpp | File containing the Expression for the diameter of the element |
ExpressionIfCrossed.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionInterpolateGradient.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionInterpolateLaplacian.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionInterpolateValue.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionInverse.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionLaplacianI.cpp | Class representing the laplacian of the test function in an expression |
ExpressionLaplacianI.hpp | File containing the definition of the lapacian(phi_i) expression |
ExpressionLaplacianJ.cpp | Class representing the laplacian of the test function in an expression |
ExpressionLaplacianJ.hpp | File containing the definition of the lapacian(phi_i) expression |
ExpressionLogarithm.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionMatrix.hpp | File containing the expression to represent a matricial constant |
ExpressionMeas.cpp | The implementation of the meas_K expression |
ExpressionMeas.hpp | File containing the Expression for the measure of the element |
ExpressionMeasBDCurrentFE.hpp | File containing the Expression for the measure of the element |
ExpressionMetricTensor.cpp | The implementation of the G expression |
ExpressionMetricTensor.hpp | File containing the Expression for the metric tensor of the element |
ExpressionMetricVector.cpp | The implementation of the g expression |
ExpressionMetricVector.hpp | File containing the Expression for the metric tensor of the element |
ExpressionMinusTransposed.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionNormal.cpp | The implementation of the normal expression |
ExpressionNormal.hpp | File containing the Expression for the normal to a surface |
ExpressionNormalize.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionOuterProduct.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionPatchArea.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionPhiI.cpp | File containing the implementation of the phi_i expression |
ExpressionPhiI.hpp | File containing the definition of the phi_i expression |
ExpressionPhiJ.cpp | File containing the implementation of the phi_j expression |
ExpressionPhiJ.hpp | File containing the definition of the phi_j expression |
ExpressionPosition.cpp | The implementation of the position expression |
ExpressionPosition.hpp | File containing the Expression for the position |
ExpressionPower.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionProduct.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionReturnAtQuadraturePoints.hpp | File for the definition of the expression used to interpolate FE functions |
ExpressionScalar.cpp | File containing the implementation of the scalar expression |
ExpressionScalar.hpp | File containing the definition of the scalar expression |
ExpressionScalarToVector.hpp | This expression will collect three expressions that return a scalar into a vector. Used for computing the laplacian of a vector field |
ExpressionSquareRoot.hpp | File where the structures for the product between expressions are defined |
ExpressionSubstraction.hpp | File where the structures for the substraction between expressions are defined |
ExpressionSymmetricTensor.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionToEvaluation.hpp | This file contains the definition of the ExpressionToEvaluation class |
ExpressionTrace.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionTranspose.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
ExpressionVector.hpp | File containing the expression to represent a vectorial constant |
ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantMatrix.hpp | File containing the expression to represent a vectorial constant |
ExpressionVectorFromNonConstantScalar.hpp | File where the structures for the element-wise multiplication between expressions are defined |
Factory.hpp | Factory class |
FactoryPolicy.hpp | Policies for object lifetime management |
FactorySingleton.hpp | Singleton pattern class |
FactoryTypeInfo.cpp | Type information class |
FactoryTypeInfo.hpp | Type information class |
FastAssembler.cpp | |
FastAssembler.hpp | This file contains the definition of the FastAssembler class |
FastAssemblerMixed.cpp | |
FastAssemblerMixed.hpp | This file contains the definition of the FastAssemblerMixed class |
FastAssemblerNS.cpp | |
FastAssemblerNS.hpp | This file contains the definition of the FastAssembler class |
FEDefinitions.cpp | File containing the definition of the FE, quadrature rules, .. |
fefct.cpp | |
fefct.hpp | |
FEField.hpp | File containing the FEField, FEScalarField and FEVectorField classes |
FEFunction.hpp | File containing the FEFunction class |
FESpace.hpp | This files contains the description and the implementation of the FESpace class |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/flowConditions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/flowConditions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/flowConditions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes/examples/resistanceBCs/flowConditions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/flowConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/flowConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/flowConditions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes/examples/resistanceBCs/flowConditions.hpp | |
FortranWrapper.hpp | Fortran wrapper for C++ |
FSIApplyOperator.cpp | |
FSIApplyOperator.hpp | |
FSIApplyOperatorNonConforming.cpp | |
FSIApplyOperatorNonConforming.hpp | Classes to hold algorithms for the mesh motion, for instance, involved in a ALE formulation |
FSIcouplingCE.cpp | |
FSIcouplingCE.hpp | Settings - File which handles the coupling blocks of fluid and solid variables at the fluid-structure interface when conforming discretizations are used |
FSIData.cpp | DataFSI - File containing a data container for FSI problems |
FSIData.hpp | FSIData - File containing a data container for FSI problems |
FSIExactJacobian.cpp | |
FSIExactJacobian.hpp | Implementation of an FSI (Operator) with Newton algorithm |
FSIFixedPoint.cpp | |
FSIFixedPoint.hpp | Implementation of an FSI with fixed point iterations |
FSIHandler.cpp | |
FSIHandler.hpp | FSIHandler - File handling the solution of the FSI problem |
FSIMonolithic.cpp | |
FSIMonolithic.hpp | |
FSIMonolithicGE.cpp | A short description of the file content |
FSIMonolithicGE.hpp | Monolithic Geometry–Explicit FSI Solver |
FSIMonolithicGI.cpp | |
FSIMonolithicGI.hpp | ! |
FSIOperator.cpp | Pure virtual operator class for FSI solvers |
FSIOperator.hpp | Pure virtual operator class for FSI solvers |
FSISolver.cpp | File containing the solver for the instances of the FSI class |
FSISolver.hpp | Solver class for FSI |
functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
gamma.cpp | |
GenericDriver.cpp | |
GeometricMap.cpp | This file contains the implementation of the GeometricMap class (and an helper function) |
GeometricMap.hpp | This file contains the definition of the GeometricMap class (and an helper function) |
GetPot.hpp | |
GhostEntityData.cpp | Ghost entity data structure |
GhostEntityData.hpp | Ghost entity data structure |
GhostHandler.hpp | Class to manage ghost data across procs |
GradientRecovery.hpp | This file contains the definition of the methods for gradient recovery procedures |
gradUExactFunctor.hpp | |
GraphCutterBase.hpp | Graph cutter base class (abstract) |
GraphCutterParMETIS.hpp | Class that partitions the graph associated with a mesh. Uses the ParMETIS graph processing library |
GraphCutterZoltan.hpp | Class that partitions the graph associated with a mesh. Uses the Zoltan graph processing library |
GraphElement.hpp | This file contains the definition of the GraphElement class |
GraphUtil.hpp | Utilitary functions and type definitions for graph partitioning |
HarmonicExtensionSolver.hpp | Classes to hold algorithms for the mesh motion, for instance, involved in a ALE formulation |
HDF5IO.cpp | Convenience wrapper for the C interface of the HDF5 library |
HDF5IO.hpp | Convenience wrapper for the C interface of the HDF5 library |
heart.cpp | Cardiac Electrophysiology Test |
heart.hpp | Cardiac Electrophysiology Test |
HeartBidomainData.cpp | File containing a class for handling Bidomain data with GetPot |
HeartBidomainData.hpp | File containing a class for handling Bidomain data with GetPot |
HeartBidomainSolver.hpp | Class for solving the Bidomain models in electrophysiology |
HeartFunctors.cpp | Heart Functors for the Luo-Rudy Kinetics |
HeartFunctors.hpp | Heart Functors for the Luo-Rudy Kinetics |
HeartIonicData.cpp | File containing a class for handling Ionic model data with GetPot |
HeartIonicData.hpp | File containing a class for handling Ionic model data with GetPot |
HeartIonicSolver.hpp | Class for choosing and solving ionic models in electrophysiology. Mitchel-Schaeffer, Rogers-McCulloch, Luo-Rudy I |
HeartMonodomainData.cpp | File containing a class for handling Monodomain data with GetPot |
HeartMonodomainData.hpp | File containing a class for handling Monodomain data with GetPot |
HeartMonodomainSolver.hpp | Class for solving the Monodomain equations in electrophysiology |
HeartStiffnessFibers.hpp | Contains an extension to the elemOper for including the fibers in the stiffness term for the Bidomain, Monodomain, and @ Electromechanical problems |
HeartUtility.hpp | Utilities |
HolzapfelGeneralizedMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
HolzapfelMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
hyperbolic.cpp | |
hyperbolic.hpp | |
HyperbolicData.hpp | Data for hyperbolic scalar equations |
HyperbolicFluxNumerical.hpp | Numerical fluxes for hyperbolic scalar equations |
HyperbolicSolver.hpp | Solver class for hyperbolic scalar equations |
IfpackPreconditioner.cpp | |
IfpackPreconditioner.hpp | |
impes.cpp | |
impes.hpp | |
Importer.cpp | Import mesh data formats into LifeV mesh data structure |
Importer.hpp | Import mesh data formats into LifeV mesh data structure |
ImporterMesh2D.hpp | Mesh reader from mesh2D files |
ImporterMesh3D.cpp | Mesh reader from mesh3d files |
ImporterMesh3D.hpp | Mesh reader from mesh3d files |
InitPolicyInterpolation.hpp | |
InitPolicyProjection.hpp | |
InitPolicySolver.hpp | |
inspect.cpp | |
inspector.hpp | |
Integrate.hpp | This file contains the definition of the integrate function |
IntegrateMatrixElement.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixElement class |
IntegrateMatrixElementLSAdapted.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixElementLSAdapted class |
IntegrateMatrixFaceID.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixFaceID class |
IntegrateMatrixFaceIDLSAdapted.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixFaceID class |
IntegrateMatrixVolumeID.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixVolumeID class |
IntegrateValueElement.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateValueElement class |
IntegrateValueElementLSAdapted.hpp | File containing the class IntegrateValueElementLSAdapted |
IntegrateVectorElement.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElement class |
IntegrateVectorElementLSAdapted.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElementLSAdapted class |
IntegrateVectorFaceID.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElement class |
IntegrateVectorFaceIDLSAdapted.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateMatrixFaceID class |
IntegrateVectorVolumeID.hpp | This file contains the definition of the IntegrateVectorElement class |
InternalEntitySelector.cpp | This file implements the standard selector for internal entities |
InternalEntitySelector.hpp | It contains the standard selector for internal entities |
Interpolation.cpp | |
Interpolation.hpp | A short description of the file content |
InvertibleOperator.cpp | |
InvertibleOperator.hpp | |
IonicAlievPanfilov.cpp | Ionic model of Aliev-Panfilov |
IonicAlievPanfilov.hpp | |
IonicFitzHughNagumo.cpp | Ionic model of FitzHugh-Nagumo |
IonicFitzHughNagumo.hpp | |
IonicFox.cpp | Ionic model based on Fox model |
IonicFox.hpp | |
IonicGoldbeter.cpp | Intracellular Calcium model from Goldbeter et al. (1990). By "potential" we |
IonicGoldbeter.hpp | |
IonicHodgkinHuxley.cpp | Ionic model of Hodgkin and Huxley |
IonicHodgkinHuxley.hpp | |
IonicLuoRudyI.cpp | Ionic model Luo-Rudy I |
IonicLuoRudyI.hpp | |
IonicMinimalModel.cpp | Ionic model of Bueno-Orovio et al |
IonicMinimalModel.hpp | |
IonicMitchellSchaeffer.cpp | Ionic model based on Mitchell-Schaeffer model |
IonicMitchellSchaeffer.hpp | |
IonicNoblePurkinje.cpp | Ionic model of Noble for Purkinje cells |
IonicNoblePurkinje.hpp | |
IonicTenTusscher06.cpp | Ionic model of ten Tusscher-Panfilov 2006 |
IonicTenTusscher06.hpp | |
KimMoin.cpp | |
KimMoin.hpp | |
Laplacian.cpp | |
Laplacian.hpp | |
laplacianExact.hpp | |
laplacianExactGradient.hpp | |
laplacian/laplacianFunctor.hpp | |
mesh_volume_subdivision/laplacianFunctor.hpp | |
laplacianSource.hpp | |
LevelSetBDQRAdapter.hpp | Adapter for the quadrature on a given level set |
LevelSetData.cpp | Contains the data container for the LevelSetSolver |
LevelSetData.hpp | Contains the data container for the LevelSetSolver |
LevelSetQRAdapter.hpp | Adapter for the quadrature on a given level set |
LevelSetSolver.hpp | File constaining a solver for the level set equation |
license_check.cpp | |
license_check.hpp | |
LifeAssert.hpp | Assert macros for LifeV |
LifeAssertSmart.cpp | Complex assertion mechanism |
LifeAssertSmart.hpp | Complex assertion mechanism |
LifeChrono.hpp | Chronometer and fake chronometer class class |
LifeChronoManager.hpp | |
LifeDebug.cpp | Classes for debugging |
LifeDebug.hpp | Classes for debugging |
LifeV.cpp | Definition of nDimensions |
LifeV.hpp | LifeV main header file |
LifeVersion.cpp | The file was created from KDE/kdelibs/kdecore/kdeversion.hpp and accomodated to LifeV needs |
LifeVersion.hpp | The file was created from KDE/kdelibs/kdecore/kdeversion.hpp and accomodated to LifeV needs |
linear_function.hpp | |
/linear_function.hpp | |
LinearElasticity.cpp | |
LinearElasticity.hpp | Implementation of Linear elastic structural model |
LinearOperator.hpp | Linear Operator |
LinearOperatorAlgebra.cpp | |
LinearOperatorAlgebra.hpp | |
LinearSolver.cpp | LinearSolver |
LinearSolver.hpp | LinearSolver |
link_check.cpp | |
link_check.hpp | |
long_name_check.cpp | |
long_name_check.hpp | |
lumpedHeart.cpp | File containing the lumped heart for the Monolithic Test |
lumpedHeart.hpp | File containing the lumped heart for the Monolithic Test |
LumpedOperator.cpp | |
LumpedOperator.hpp | |
doc/CodingGuidelines/main.cpp | A short description of the test content |
lifev/core/examples/utility_mesh_extractor/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/examples/utility_mesh_reader/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/examples/utility_mesh_reorder/main.cpp | File containing a utility to reorder a mesh |
lifev/core/testsuite/adr_assembler/1d/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/adr_assembler/2d/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/adr_assembler/3d/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/bdf/main.cpp | Simple Fourier test with Dirichlet Boundary condition |
lifev/core/testsuite/fe_function/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/fem/main.cpp | Test for the CurrentFE update |
lifev/core/testsuite/hyperbolic/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/interpolation/RBF_nonconformingPolynomialOrders/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/linear_solver/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/linear_solver_preconditioner/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/matrix_epetra_structured_framework/main.cpp | |
lifev/core/testsuite/mesh/mesh_partition_tool/main.cpp | Test for the MeshPartitionTool class |
lifev/core/testsuite/parser/main.cpp | File containing the parser test |
lifev/core/testsuite/template_test/main.cpp | A short description of the test content |
lifev/core/testsuite/vector_container/main.cpp | File containing the vector container test |
lifev/core/testsuite/verify_solution/main.cpp | |
lifev/darcy/examples/twophase_impes/main.cpp | |
lifev/darcy/testsuite/basic_test/2d/main.cpp | |
lifev/darcy/testsuite/basic_test/3d/main.cpp | |
lifev/dummy/testsuite/basic_test/main.cpp | |
lifev/electrophysiology/examples/example_benchmarkPurkinje/main.cpp | Electrophysiology benchmark with Noble-Purkinje excitation model |
lifev/electrophysiology/examples/example_bidomain/main.cpp | Test for ElectroETAbidomainSolver and IonicMinimalModel |
lifev/electrophysiology/examples/example_ECG/main.cpp | 0D test with the Negroni Lascano model of 1996 |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DAlievPanfilovModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Aliev - Panfilov model 1996. Parameters are from Nash - Panfilov 2004 |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DFitzHughNagumoModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Fitz-Hugh Nagumo model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DFoxModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Fox model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DGoldbeterModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Goldbeter model for simplified Calcium dynamics |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DHodgkinHuxley/main.cpp | 0D test with the minimal model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DLuoRudyIModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Luo Rudy Phase I model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DMinimalModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the minimal model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DMitchellSchaefferModel/main.cpp | 0D test with the Mitchell Schaeffer |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DNoblePurkinje/main.cpp | 0D test with the minimal model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_0DTenTusscher06Model/main.cpp | 0D test with Ten Tusscher et al. 2006 model |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_benchmark/main.cpp | Electrophysiology benchmark proposed in Niederer et al. 2011 |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_fibers/main.cpp | Generation muscular fibers and sheets |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_pacing/main.cpp | Test for using the pacing protocol |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_restart/main.cpp | Test to restart a simulation from an hdf5 exported solution |
lifev/electrophysiology/testsuite/test_ventricle/main.cpp | Test on an idealized ventricle |
lifev/electrophysiology/unit/test_StimulusPacingProtocol/main.cpp | |
lifev/electrophysiology/unit/test_StimulusPMJ/main.cpp | |
lifev/electrophysiology/unit/test_StimulusSingleSource/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/examples/example_biPhasic/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/examples/laplacian/main.cpp | Laplacian problem |
lifev/eta/examples/mesh_volume_subdivision/main.cpp | Laplacian problem |
lifev/eta/examples/vortex_shedding/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/ADR_1D/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/ADR_2D/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/blocks_2D/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/boundary_integrals/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/interpolate_gradient_2D/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/testsuite/mt_assembly/main.cpp | Test for building matrices with a static graph and ETA |
lifev/eta/testsuite/static_graph/main.cpp | Test for building matrices with a static graph and ETA |
lifev/eta/testsuite/vectorial_ADR_2D/main.cpp | |
lifev/eta/tutorials/10_ETA_QR_Advanced/main.cpp | Advanced tutorial about the quadrature in the ETA |
lifev/eta/tutorials/11_ETA_LaplacianPhiI/main.cpp | Tutorial for gradient interpolation |
lifev/eta/tutorials/12_ETA_LaplacianPhiJ/main.cpp | Tutorial for laplacian of trial functions |
lifev/eta/tutorials/13_ETA_LaplacianVector/main.cpp | Tutorial for laplacian of trial functions |
lifev/eta/tutorials/1_ETA_laplacian/main.cpp | Tutorial introducing the expression assembly |
lifev/eta/tutorials/2_ETA_ADR/main.cpp | Tutorial for the assembly of the ADR problem and comparison with classical assembly |
lifev/eta/tutorials/3_ETA_rhs_and_value/main.cpp | Tutorial for the assembly of a right hand side and the computation of benchmark values |
lifev/eta/tutorials/4_ETA_vectorial_laplacian/main.cpp | Tutorial for the assembly of the vectorial laplacian |
lifev/eta/tutorials/5_ETA_debug_expressions/main.cpp | Tutorial explaining how to debug a failing expression |
lifev/eta/tutorials/6_ETA_functor/main.cpp | Tutorial for the use of functor in the ETA framework |
lifev/eta/tutorials/7_ETA_blocks/main.cpp | Tutorial for the use of block structures with the ETA framework |
lifev/eta/tutorials/8_ETA_block_manip/main.cpp | Tutorial for a "better" usage of the blocks |
lifev/eta/tutorials/9_ETA_gradient_interpolation/main.cpp | Tutorial for gradient interpolation |
lifev/eta/tutorials/9_ETA_QRProvider/main.cpp | Tutorial about the quadrature rule in the ETA |
lifev/fsi/examples/application_aortaFSI/main.cpp | For testing the benchmark contained in the |
lifev/fsi/examples/benchmark_GreenshieldsWeller/main.cpp | For testing the benchmark contained in the |
lifev/fsi/examples/challenge_VPH/main.cpp | For testing the benchmark contained in the |
lifev/fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/main.cpp | File containing the Monolithic Test |
lifev/fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/main.cpp | File containing the Monolithic Test |
lifev/fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/main.cpp | File containing the Monolithic Test |
lifev/fsi/testsuite/fsi_segregated/main.cpp | The time discretization is carried out using BDF methods of order 2. At the moment, even is the Newmark method is available for the temporal discretization of the single problems( e.g. in test_structuralsolver), it cannot be used in the FSI framework since the class TimeAdvanceNewmark is not registered as one of the possible instances of the abstrac class TimeAdvance |
lifev/fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_restart/main.cpp | |
lifev/fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_tube/main.cpp | |
lifev/heart/examples/basic_example/main.cpp | Main for the test_heart |
lifev/level_set/testsuite/basic_test/main.cpp | |
lifev/level_set/tutorials/1_Volume_computation/main.cpp | Tutorial introducing the expression assembly specialized for the level set problem |
lifev/multiscale/testsuite/multiscale/main.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Test |
lifev/multiscale/testsuite/onedmodel/main.cpp | File containing the One Dimensional Test |
lifev/navier_stokes/examples/computeWSS/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/examples/cylinder/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/examples/oseen_assembler/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/examples/resistanceBCs/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/examples/TestCases/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/testsuite/exporter_ensight_to_hdf5/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes/testsuite/RossEthierSteinman/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_aorta_semi_implicit/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_external_flow/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_steady_navier_stokes/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_time_dependent_navier_stokes/main.cpp | |
lifev/navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/semi_implicit_time_dependent_navier_stokes/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_anisotropicTraction/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_bodyForces/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_checkigForceTerm/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_checkingFibersDirection/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_computationNorm/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_computePrincipalTensions/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_computingJacobian/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_CookMembrane/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_creatingDamagedZone/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_evaluatingScalarVectorialTensorialQuantitiesUsingETA/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_principalTensionsInflationExtensions/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/examples/example_tractionWithSymmetry/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/anisotropicLaw/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/evaluateNodalETA/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/principalTensions/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/structuralsolver/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/time_advance_i/main.cpp | |
lifev/structure/testsuite/time_advance_ii/main.cpp | |
lifev/zero_dimensional/testsuite/basic_test/main.cpp | File containing the ZeroDimensional test |
examples/stokes_repeated_mesh/main_2d.cpp | |
testsuite/repeated_mesh_2D/main_2d.cpp | |
main_getpot.cpp | Test GetPot type conversion |
core/testsuite/offline_partition_io/main_read.cpp | Test for PartitionIO class - read and solve |
fsi_blocks/examples/fsi_offline_partition/main_read.cpp | Example for DOFInterfaceIO class - read |
core/testsuite/offline_partition_io/main_write.cpp | Test for PartitionIO class - cut and write |
core/testsuite/partition_io/main_write.cpp | Test for PartitionIO class - cut and write |
fsi_blocks/examples/fsi_offline_partition/main_write.cpp | Example for the DOFInterfaceIO class - write |
structure/examples/example_partitionMesh/main_write.cpp | Test for PartitionIO class - cut and write |
mainAnisotropic.cpp | |
mainKimMoin.cpp | |
mainRossEthierSteinman.cpp | |
MapEpetra.cpp | MapEpetra |
MapEpetra.hpp | MapEpetra |
MapEpetraData.hpp | MapEpetraData |
MapVector.hpp | The file contains the MapVector class |
Marker.cpp | Implementations for Marker.hpp |
Marker.hpp | Basic definition of markers |
MarkerDefinitions.hpp | A simple implementations of Markers |
MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetra.hpp | The file contains the MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetra class |
MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetraView.hpp | The file contains the MatrixBlockMonolithicEpetraView class |
MatrixBlockStructure.cpp | Implementation file for MatrixBlockStructure |
MatrixBlockStructure.hpp | File containing the MatrixBlockStructure class |
MatrixContainer.hpp | |
MatrixElemental.cpp | Matrix for elementary assembly |
MatrixElemental.hpp | Matrix for elementary assembly |
MatrixEpetra.hpp | MatrixEpetra |
MatrixEpetraStructured.hpp | The file contains the MatrixEpetraStructured class |
MatrixEpetraStructuredUtility.hpp | The file contains utility functions to manipulate MatrixEpetraStructuredView objects |
MatrixEpetraStructuredView.hpp | The file contains the MatrixEpetraStructuredView class |
MatrixGraph.cpp | |
MatrixGraph.hpp | This file contains the definition of the MatrixGraph class |
MatrixSmall.hpp | This file contains a simple matrix class |
MeshChecks.hpp | Base utilities operating on meshes |
MeshColoring.cpp | |
MeshColoring.hpp | File containing a class for coloring meshes |
MeshData.cpp | File containing a class for handling spatial discretization |
MeshData.hpp | File containing a class for handling spatial discretization |
MeshElement.hpp | Zero dimensional entity |
MeshElementBare.cpp | Special routines to read meshes and special structures for sides and faces handling |
MeshElementBare.hpp | Special routines to read meshes and special structures for sides and faces handling |
MeshElementMarked.hpp | Geometric elements |
MeshEntity.cpp | |
MeshEntity.hpp | This file contains the MeshEntity class |
MeshEntityContainer.hpp | The file contains two classes implementing a wrap up of Standard Library vector class to allow indexing from one |
MeshExtractor.hpp | |
MeshGeometricMap.hpp | This file contains an helper function to get a geometric map adapted to a mesh |
MeshLoadingUtility.hpp | Base utilities operating on meshes |
MeshPartBuilder.hpp | Class that builds a mesh part, after the graph has been partitioned |
MeshPartitioner.hpp | Class that handles mesh partitioning |
mesh/MeshPartitionerOfflineFSI.hpp | Offline mesh partitioning for FSI |
blocks/mesh/MeshPartitionerOfflineFSI.hpp | Offline mesh partitioning for FSI |
MeshPartitionTool.hpp | Class that does flexible mesh partitioning |
MeshUtility.cpp | Base utilities operating on meshes |
MeshUtility.hpp | Base utilities operating on meshes |
MeshVertex.cpp | Zero dimensional entity |
MeshVertex.hpp | Zero dimensional entity |
MeshVolumeSubdivision.hpp | |
MeshWriter.hpp | Writes the mesh in medit format |
minmax_check.cpp | |
minmax_check.hpp | |
MLPreconditioner.cpp | |
MLPreconditioner.hpp | |
MonolithicBlock.cpp | |
MonolithicBlock.hpp | This file contains a pure virtual class for the linear operators with a block structure (i.e. block matrices and preconditioners). The specializations of this class can be used to handle many types of composed preconditioners and composed operators |
MonolithicBlockComposed.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposed.hpp | This file contains a class which is suited for handling a block-structured matrix that can be written as a multiplication of a variable number of factors. It contains a vector of pointers for each factor, BCHandler, FESpace and for each coupling part |
MonolithicBlockComposedDN.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposedDN.hpp | This file contains a class implementing a preconditioner for the Fluid-Structure Interaction system |
MonolithicBlockComposedDND.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposedDND.hpp | Composed preconditioner for a three blocks coupled problem |
MonolithicBlockComposedDNND.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposedDNND.hpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposedNN.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockComposedNN.hpp | Block (a little exotic) preconditioner |
MonolithicBlockMatrix.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockMatrix.hpp | This file contains a class which handles matrices with a block structure |
MonolithicBlockMatrixRN.cpp | |
MonolithicBlockMatrixRN.hpp | File containing a class for handling a 2-blocks matrix with Robin-Neumann coupling |
MonolithicRobinInterface.cpp | |
MonolithicRobinInterface.hpp | An interface implementing the Robin coupling |
MultiscaleAlgorithm.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithm.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmAitken.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Aitken Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmAitken.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Aitken Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmBroyden.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Broyden Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmBroyden.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Broyden Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmExplicit.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Explicit Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmExplicit.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Explicit Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmNewton.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Newton Algorithm |
MultiscaleAlgorithmNewton.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Newton Algorithm |
MultiscaleCommunicatorsManager.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Communicators Manager |
MultiscaleCommunicatorsManager.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Communicators Manager |
MultiscaleCoupling.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Physical Coupling |
MultiscaleCoupling.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Physical Coupling |
MultiscaleCouplingBoundaryCondition.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Coupling BoundaryCondition |
MultiscaleCouplingBoundaryCondition.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Coupling BoundaryCondition |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStress.cpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStress.hpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStressArea.cpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStressArea.hpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStressValve.cpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class with simple valve |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanNormalStressValve.hpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class with simple valve |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanTotalNormalStress.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Coupling Stress |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanTotalNormalStress.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Coupling Stress |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanTotalNormalStressArea.cpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleCouplingMeanTotalNormalStressArea.hpp | File containing the multiscale mean normal stress coupling class |
MultiscaleDefinitions.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Definitions |
MultiscaleGlobalData.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Global Physical Data |
MultiscaleGlobalData.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Physical Data |
MultiscaleInterface.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Interface for Fluid problems |
MultiscaleModel.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Physical Model |
MultiscaleModel.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Physical Model |
MultiscaleModel0D.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Model 0D |
MultiscaleModel0D.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Model 0D |
MultiscaleModelFluid3D.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Model Fluid3D |
MultiscaleModelFluid3D.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Model Fluid3D |
MultiscaleModelFSI1D.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Model 1D |
MultiscaleModelFSI1D.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Model 1D |
MultiscaleModelFSI3D.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Model FSI3D |
MultiscaleModelFSI3D.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Model FSI3D |
MultiscaleModelMultiscale.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Model Multiscale |
MultiscaleModelMultiscale.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Model Multiscale |
MultiscaleModelWindkessel0D.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Windkessel 0D |
MultiscaleModelWindkessel0D.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Windkessel 0D |
MultiscaleSolver.cpp | File containing the Multiscale Solver |
MultiscaleSolver.hpp | File containing the Multiscale Solver |
navier_stokes.hpp | |
navierStokes.hpp | |
NavierStokesCavity.cpp | Navier-Stokes cavity problem |
NavierStokesCavity.hpp | Navier-Stokes cavity problem |
NavierStokesEthierSteinman.cpp | Navier-Stokes Ethier-Steinman problem |
NavierStokesEthierSteinman.hpp | Navier-Stokes cavity problem |
NavierStokesOperator.cpp | |
NavierStokesOperator.hpp | Navier-Stokes operator equations |
NavierStokesPreconditionerOperator.hpp | NavierStokesPreconditionerOperator - Abstract interface for preconditioners for Navier-Stokes |
NavierStokesProblem.hpp | |
NavierStokesSolver.hpp | |
NavierStokesSolverBlocks.cpp | |
NavierStokesSolverBlocks.hpp | Navier Stokes solver |
NeighborMarker.hpp | |
NeoHookean.cpp | |
NeoHookean.hpp | Implementation of Neohookean structural model |
NeoHookeanMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
Newmark.cpp | |
Newmark.hpp | |
nonlinear_function.hpp | |
/nonlinear_function.hpp | |
NonLinearAitken.hpp | File containing the non-linear generalized Aitken algorithm |
NonLinearBrent.hpp | Implementation of Brent's method for root finding |
NonLinearLineSearch.hpp | Line-search algorithm with parabolic interpolation |
NonLinearRichardson.hpp | Preconditioned relaxed solver for non linear problems |
Norm.hpp | |
OneDFSIBC.cpp | File containing a class for the boundary conditions of the 1D model |
OneDFSIBC.hpp | File containing a class for the boundary conditions of the 1D model |
OneDFSIBCHandler.cpp | File containing a class for the boundary conditions handling of the 1D model |
OneDFSIBCHandler.hpp | File containing a class for the boundary conditions handling of the 1D model |
OneDFSIData.cpp | File containing a class for 1D model data handling |
OneDFSIData.hpp | File containing a class for 1D model data handling |
OneDFSIDefinitions.hpp | One Dimensional Model Global Definitions |
OneDFSIFlux.hpp | File containing a base class for 1D model flux function |
OneDFSIFluxLinear.cpp | File containing a base class for linear 1D model flux function |
OneDFSIFluxLinear.hpp | File containing a base class for linear 1D model flux function |
OneDFSIFluxNonLinear.cpp | File containing a base class for non linear 1D model flux function |
OneDFSIFluxNonLinear.hpp | File containing a base class for non linear 1D model flux function |
OneDFSIFunction.hpp | File containing the interface class for the boundary function of 1D model |
OneDFSIFunctionSolverDefined.cpp | File containing some functions for the boundary conditions of 1D models |
OneDFSIFunctionSolverDefined.hpp | File containing some functions for the boundary conditions of 1D models |
OneDFSIPhysics.hpp | File containing a base class providing physical operations for the 1D model data |
OneDFSIPhysicsLinear.cpp | File containing a class providing linear physical operations for the 1D model data |
OneDFSIPhysicsLinear.hpp | File containing a class providing linear physical operations for the 1D model data |
OneDFSIPhysicsNonLinear.cpp | File containing a class providing non linear physical operations for the 1D model data |
OneDFSIPhysicsNonLinear.hpp | File containing a class providing non linear physical operations for the 1D model data |
OneDFSISolver.cpp | File containing a solver class for the 1D model |
OneDFSISolver.hpp | File containing a solver class for the 1D model |
OneDFSISource.hpp | File containing a base class for the source function of the 1D hyperbolic problem |
OneDFSISourceLinear.cpp | File containing a class for the linear source function B of the 1D hyperbolic problem |
OneDFSISourceLinear.hpp | File containing a class for the linear source term of the 1D hyperbolic problem |
OneDFSISourceNonLinear.cpp | File containing a class for the non linear source function B of the 1D hyperbolic problem |
OneDFSISourceNonLinear.hpp | File containing a class for the non linear source term of the 1D hyperbolic problem |
OpenMPParameters.cpp | Class that handles setting OpenMP parameters |
OpenMPParameters.hpp | Class that handles setting OpenMP parameters |
OperationSmallAddition.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallArcTan.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallCubicRoot.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallDerivativeArcTan.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallDeterminant.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallDivision.hpp | This file contains information about the division operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallDot.hpp | This file contains information about the dot product operation between Small* classes |
OperationSmallEmult.hpp | This file contains information about the element-wise multiplication operation between Small* classes |
OperationSmallExponential.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallExtract.hpp | This file contains information about the extraction of a row or component within Small* classes |
OperationSmallInverse.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallLogarithm.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallMinusTranspose.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallNormalize.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallOuterProduct.hpp | This file contains information about the element-wise multiplication operation between Small* classes |
OperationSmallPower.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallProduct.hpp | This file contains information about the product operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallSquareRoot.hpp | This file contains information about the addition operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallSubstraction.hpp | This file contains information about the substraction operation between *Small classes |
OperationSmallSymmetricTensor.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallTrace.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OperationSmallTranspose.hpp | This file contains information about the transpose operation for Small* classes |
OseenAssembler.hpp | A short description of the file content |
OseenData.cpp | File containing the implementation of the file OseenData.hpp |
OseenData.hpp | File containing a class for handling Navier-Stokes data with GetPot |
OseenSolver.hpp | This file contains an Oseen equation solver class |
OseenSolverImplementation.cpp | File containing the implementation of the file OseenSolver.hpp |
OseenSolverShapeDerivative.hpp | This file contains an Oseen equation solver class with shape derivative for fluid structure interaction problem |
Parser.cpp | File containing the Parser interface |
Parser.hpp | File containing the Parser interface |
ParserDefinitions.hpp | File containing the Parser definitions |
ParserGmsh.hpp | Gmsh files (.gmsh, .msh) reader |
ParserINRIAMesh.hpp | |
ParserSpiritGrammar.hpp | File containing the Boost Spirit parser grammar |
PartitionIO.hpp | Class that handles I/O of mesh parts (for offline partitioning mode) |
pExactFunctor.hpp | |
PostProcessingBoundary.hpp | File containing a class with methods to manage fields defined on the domain boundary |
Preconditioner.cpp | Epetra preconditioner |
Preconditioner.hpp | Epetra preconditioner |
PreconditionerAztecOO.cpp | AztecOO preconditioner |
PreconditionerAztecOO.hpp | AztecOO preconditioner |
PreconditionerBlock.cpp | PreconditionerBlock |
PreconditionerBlock.hpp | |
PreconditionerComposed.cpp | |
PreconditionerComposed.hpp | File containing the Composed Preconditioner Class |
PreconditionerComposition.cpp | This file contains the PreconditionerComposition class |
PreconditionerComposition.hpp | This file contains the PreconditionerComposition class |
PreconditionerIfpack.cpp | Ifpack preconditioner |
PreconditionerIfpack.hpp | Ifpack preconditioner |
PreconditionerLinearSolver.cpp | LinearSolver preconditioner |
PreconditionerLinearSolver.hpp | Preconditioner Solver Belos |
PreconditionerLSC.cpp | This file contains the PreconditionerLSC class |
PreconditionerLSC.hpp | This file contains the PreconditionerLSC class |
PreconditionerML.cpp | ML preconditioner |
PreconditionerML.hpp | ML preconditioner |
PreconditionerPCD.cpp | PreconditionerPCD |
PreconditionerPCD.hpp | PreconditionerPCD |
PreconditionerSIMPLE.cpp | PreconditionerSIMPLE |
PreconditionerSIMPLE.hpp | PreconditionerSIMPLE |
PreconditionerTeko.cpp | PreconditionerTeko |
PreconditionerTeko.hpp | PreconditionerTeko |
PreconditionerYosida.cpp | PreconditionerYosida |
PreconditionerYosida.hpp | PreconditionerYosida |
QRAdapterBase.hpp | This file contains mother classes of the QRAdapter classes |
QRAdapterNeverAdapt.hpp | Fake quadrature rule adapter for a constant quadrature rule |
QRKeast.cpp | File for the implementation of the QuadratureRule class |
QRKeast.hpp | File for the definition of the quadrature rule defined in the article [Keast85] |
QuadratureBoundary.hpp | |
QuadraturePoint.cpp | Implementation of the quadPoint class, usefull for the quadrature rules |
QuadraturePoint.hpp | Definition of the quadPoint class, usefull for the quadrature rules |
QuadratureRule.cpp | File for the implementation of the QuadratureRule class |
QuadratureRule.hpp | File for the definition of the QuadratureRule class |
QuadratureRuleBoundary.hpp | A short description of the file content |
QuadratureRuleProvider.cpp | A short description of the file content |
QuadratureRuleProvider.hpp | A short description of the file content |
RBF_test3dScalar/rbf3d.cpp | |
RBF_test3dVectorial/rbf3d.cpp | |
RBFInterpolation.hpp | FSIData - File containing the implementation of Radial Basis Functions suited for interpolation between non-matching grids |
RBFlocallyRescaledScalar.hpp | A short description of the file content |
RBFlocallyRescaledVectorial.hpp | A short description of the file content |
RBFrescaledScalar.hpp | A short description of the file content |
RBFrescaledVectorial.hpp | A short description of the file content |
ReferenceElement.cpp | Base class for ReferenceFE and GeometricMap |
ReferenceElement.hpp | Base class for ReferenceFE and GeometricMap |
ReferenceFE.cpp | Base structure for a reference finite element |
ReferenceFE.hpp | Base structure for a reference finite element |
ReferenceFEHdiv.cpp | Reference finite element for Hdiv space |
ReferenceFEHdiv.hpp | Reference finite element for Hdiv space |
ReferenceFEHybrid.cpp | Reference finite element for Hdiv space |
ReferenceFEHybrid.hpp | Reference finite element for hybrid FEs |
ReferenceFEScalar.cpp | Reference finite element for scalar lagrangian FEs |
ReferenceFEScalar.hpp | Reference finite element for scalar lagrangian FEs |
RegionMesh.cpp | File containing 3D Mesh Class Implementation |
RegionMesh.hpp | File containing Mesh Classes |
RegionMesh1DBuilders.hpp | Contains methods to generate 1D meshes |
RegionMesh1DStructured.hpp | Contains methods to generate 1D meshes |
RegionMesh2DStructured.cpp | Contains methods which generate 2D structured meshes |
RegionMesh2DStructured.hpp | Contains methods which generate 2D structured meshes |
RegionMesh3DStructured.cpp | Contains methods which generate structured meshes |
RegionMesh3DStructured.hpp | Contains methods which generate structured meshes |
RequestLoopElement.hpp | File containing the classes to determine the kind of loops to be performed |
RequestLoopFaceID.hpp | File containing the classes to determine the kind of loops to be performed |
RequestLoopVolumeID.hpp | File containing the class to loop over a certain set of volumes |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/resistance.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes/examples/resistanceBCs/resistance.cpp | |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/resistance.hpp | |
navier_stokes/examples/resistanceBCs/resistance.hpp | |
RNM.hpp | Container class for multidimensional arrays |
RNMOperator.hpp | Implementation of the operators defined in RNM.hpp |
RNMOperatorConstant.hpp | Operator implementation of RNM.hpp |
RNMTemplate.hpp | Implementation of the templated method/classes of RNM.hpp |
core/testsuite/filter/importExport/RossEthierSteinmanDec.cpp | |
navier_stokes/function/RossEthierSteinmanDec.cpp | |
core/testsuite/filter/importExport/RossEthierSteinmanDec.hpp | |
navier_stokes/function/RossEthierSteinmanDec.hpp | |
RossEthierSteinmanInc.cpp | |
RossEthierSteinmanInc.hpp | |
RowMatrixPreconditioner.hpp | |
run_MeshExtractor.cpp | |
RunsForever.cpp | |
SecondOrderExponentialMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
SetOfFun.cpp | Quadrature Rule test |
SetOfFun.hpp | Quadrature Rule test |
SobolevNorms.hpp | File containing procedures for computing norm and errors |
SolverAmesos.cpp | Solver Amesos |
SolverAmesos.hpp | Solver Amesos |
SolverAztecOO.cpp | SolverAztecOO |
SolverAztecOO.hpp | SolverAztecOO |
SolverOperator.cpp | SolverOperator |
SolverOperator.hpp | Solver Operator |
SolverOperatorAlgo.cpp | SolverOperator |
SolverOperatorAlgo.hpp | Solver Operator |
SolverPolicyLinearSolver.cpp | |
SolverPolicyLinearSolver.hpp | |
Stabilization.hpp | Stabilization - Abstract interface of stabilizations for Navier-Stokes |
StabilizationIP.hpp | Interior Penality Stabilization |
StabilizationSD.hpp | Streamline diffusion and SUPG stabilization |
StabilizationSUPG.cpp | |
StabilizationSUPG.hpp | SUPG stabilization |
StabilizationSUPG_semi_implicit.cpp | |
StabilizationSUPG_semi_implicit.hpp | SUPG stabilization, semi-implicit case |
StabilizationSUPG_semi_implicit_ale.cpp | |
StabilizationSUPG_semi_implicit_ale.hpp | SUPG stabilization, semi-implicit case |
StabilizationSUPGALE.cpp | |
StabilizationSUPGALE.hpp | SUPG stabilization |
StimulusPacingProtocol.cpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus at a single point according to a pacing protocol |
StimulusPacingProtocol.hpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus at a single point according to a pacing protocol |
StimulusPMJ.cpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus at Purkinje-muscle junctions |
StimulusPMJ.hpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus at Purkinje-muscle junctions |
StimulusSingleSource.cpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus represented by a current at a single point with a given time and duration |
StimulusSingleSource.hpp | Class for applying cardiac stimulus represented by a current at a single point with a given time and duration |
StringData.cpp | Small classes to manage list data strings |
StringData.hpp | Small classes to manage list data strings |
strings.h | |
StringUtility.cpp | String utilities |
StringUtility.hpp | String utilities |
StructuralAnisotropicConstitutiveLaw.hpp | This file contains an abstract class to implement different kinds of materials for structural dynamic problems (St. Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean and Exponential materials right now ) |
StructuralConstitutiveLaw.hpp | This file contains an abstract class to implement different kinds of materials for structural dynamic problems (St. Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean and Exponential materials right now ) |
StructuralConstitutiveLawData.cpp | DataElasticStructure - File containing a data container for solid problems with elastic structure |
StructuralConstitutiveLawData.hpp | DataElasticStructure - File containing a data container for solid problems with elastic structure |
StructuralIsotropicConstitutiveLaw.hpp | This file contains an abstract class to implement different kinds of materials for structural dynamic problems (St. Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean and Exponential materials right now ) |
StructuralOperator.hpp | This file contains solvers for different materials |
Switch.cpp | Switches class |
Switch.hpp | Switches class |
tab_check.cpp | |
tab_check.hpp | |
test_baremesh.cpp | Test the consistency of the baremesh data structure |
test_bdf.cpp | |
test_bdf.hpp | Simple Fourier test with Dirichlet Boundary condition |
test_bdf_2d.cpp | |
test_ghosthandler.cpp | |
test_gmsh_parser.cpp | |
test_interpolate.cpp | Interpolate test |
test_interpolate.hpp | Interpolate test |
test_meshentitycontainer.cpp | Test MeshEntityContainer class |
test_neighborsCircle.cpp | |
test_neighborsRadius.cpp | |
test_q2_mesh.cpp | Fair comparison between a Q1 mesh and a Q2 mesh (2D) |
test_quadrule.cpp | Quadrature Rule test |
test_quadrule.hpp | Quadrature Rule test |
test_repeatedmesh2d.cpp | |
test_repeatedmesh3d.cpp | |
test_TimeAndExtrapolationHandler.cpp | |
test_TimeAndExtrapolationHandlerQuadPts.cpp | |
test_vectorsmall.cpp | |
testExportImport.cpp | Test for ExporterEnsight |
TestFunction.hpp | File containing the Vector Container Test |
TestImportExport.hpp | TestImportExport |
TestRepeatedMesh.hpp | |
timeAdvance.cpp | |
/timeAdvance.cpp | |
timeAdvance.hpp | |
/timeAdvance.hpp | |
TimeAdvance.hpp | File containing a class to deal the time advancing scheme |
TimeAdvanceBDF.hpp | File containing a class to deal the time advancing scheme. A class for an easy handling of different order time discretizations/extrapolations BDF based for first and second order problem |
TimeAdvanceBDFNavierStokes.hpp | File containing a class for an easy handling of different order time discretizations/extrapolations BDF based specific for the Navier-Stokes problem |
TimeAdvanceBDFVariableStep.hpp | File containing a class for an easy handling of different order time discretizations/extrapolations BDF based |
TimeAdvanceData.cpp | File containing a class for handling temporal discretization |
TimeAdvanceData.hpp | File containing a class for handling temporal discretization |
TimeAdvanceNewmark.hpp | File containing a class to deal the time advancing scheme. This class consider -method for first order problems and TimeAdvanceNewmark scheme for the second order problems |
TimeAndExtrapolationHandler.cpp | |
TimeAndExtrapolationHandler.hpp | |
TimeAndExtrapolationHandlerQuadPts.hpp | |
TimeData.cpp | File containing a class for handling temporal data |
TimeData.hpp | File containing a class for handling temporal discretization |
TimeIterationPolicyLinear.hpp | |
TimeIterationPolicyNonlinear.hpp | |
TimeIterationPolicyNonlinearIncremental.hpp | |
TwoLevelOperator.cpp | |
TwoLevelOperator.hpp | |
TwoLevelPreconditioner.cpp | |
TwoLevelPreconditioner.hpp | |
fsi/examples/application_aortaFSI/ud_functions.cpp | |
fsi/examples/challenge_VPH/ud_functions.cpp | |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_segregated/ud_functions.cpp | |
navier_stokes/examples/ETpseudo_fsi/ud_functions.cpp | |
structure/examples/example_anisotropicTraction/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_bodyForces/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_checkingFibersDirection/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_computePrincipalTensions/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_evaluatingScalarVectorialTensorialQuantitiesUsingETA/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/anisotropicLaw/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/evaluateNodalETA/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/principalTensions/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/structuralsolver/ud_functions.cpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
core/testsuite/bdf/ud_functions.hpp | |
fsi/examples/application_aortaFSI/ud_functions.hpp | |
fsi/examples/challenge_VPH/ud_functions.hpp | |
fsi/examples/example_SmoothAneurysm/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_monolithic/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_restart/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi/testsuite/fsi_segregated/ud_functions.hpp | |
fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_restart/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
fsi_blocks/testsuite/fsi_tube/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
multiscale/testsuite/onedmodel/ud_functions.hpp | File containing function for imposing boundary conditions of the 1D model |
navier_stokes/examples/ETpseudo_fsi/ud_functions.hpp | |
navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_aorta_semi_implicit/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/examples/example_external_flow/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the functions for BCs |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_steady_navier_stokes/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/nonlinear_time_dependent_navier_stokes/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
navier_stokes_blocks/testsuite/semi_implicit_time_dependent_navier_stokes/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_anisotropicTraction/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_bodyForces/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_checkingFibersDirection/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_computePrincipalTensions/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/examples/example_evaluatingScalarVectorialTensorialQuantitiesUsingETA/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/anisotropicLaw/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/evaluateNodalETA/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/principalTensions/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
structure/testsuite/structuralsolver/ud_functions.hpp | File containing the boundary conditions for the Monolithic Test |
uExactFunctor.hpp | |
unistd.h | |
core/testsuite/fe_function/user_fun.cpp | |
darcy/examples/twophase_impes/user_fun.cpp | |
darcy/testsuite/basic_test/2d/user_fun.cpp | |
darcy/testsuite/basic_test/3d/user_fun.cpp | |
core/testsuite/fe_function/user_fun.hpp | |
darcy/examples/twophase_impes/user_fun.hpp | |
darcy/testsuite/basic_test/2d/user_fun.hpp | |
darcy/testsuite/basic_test/3d/user_fun.hpp | |
VectorBlockMonolithicEpetra.cpp | Implementation file for VectorBlockMonolithicEpetra |
VectorBlockMonolithicEpetra.hpp | File containing the VectorBlockMonolithicEpetra |
VectorBlockMonolithicEpetraView.cpp | A short description of the file content |
VectorBlockMonolithicEpetraView.hpp | A short description of the file content |
VectorBlockStructure.cpp | Implementation file for VectorBlockStructure |
VectorBlockStructure.hpp | File containing the VectorBlockStructure class |
VectorContainer.hpp | Containers Of Vectors |
VectorElemental.cpp | Vector for elementary assembly |
VectorElemental.hpp | Vector for elementary assembly |
VectorEpetra.cpp | VectorEpetra |
VectorEpetra.hpp | VectorEpetra |
VectorEpetraStructured.cpp | Implementation file for VectorEpetraStructured |
VectorEpetraStructured.hpp | File containing the VectorEpetraStructured class |
VectorEpetraStructuredView.cpp | This file contains the the VectorEpetraStructuredView implementation |
VectorEpetraStructuredView.hpp | This file contains the the VectorEpetraStructuredView implementation |
VectorSmall.cpp | |
VectorSmall.hpp | This file contains a simple point |
VenantKirchhoffElasticHandler.hpp | This file contains an abstract class for Elastic Structures |
VenantKirchhoffMaterialLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
VenantKirchhoffMaterialNonLinear.hpp | This file contains the definition of the St. Venant Kirchhoff material |
VenantKirchhoffMaterialNonLinearPenalized.hpp | This file contains the definition for the St. Venant Kirchhoff linear material |
VenantKirchhoffViscoelasticData.cpp | |
VenantKirchhoffViscoelasticData.hpp | VenantKirchhoffViscoelasticData - Class to secondorder problem (S. Venant Kirchhoff Viscoelastic) |
VenantKirchhoffViscoelasticSolver.hpp | VenantKirchhoffViscoelasticSolver - Class to solve second order problem as linear visco-elastic problem and waves problem |
VerifySolutions.cpp | This files contains the description of the VerifySolutions class, which is a helper class for checking results by Computing the mean norm and correlation matrix of vectors |
VerifySolutions.hpp | This files contains the description of the VerifySolutions class, which is a helper class for checking results by Computing the mean norm and correlation matrix of vectors |
vtkToEnsight.cpp | Test for converting from VTK to Ensight |
WallClock.cpp | Wall clock timer class |
WallClock.hpp | Wall clock timer class |
WallTensionEstimator.hpp | This file contains a class which can be used to evaluate the wall tension in the arterial wall |
WallTensionEstimatorCylindricalCoordinates.hpp | This file contains a class which can be used to evaluate the wall tension in the arterial wall |
WallTensionEstimatorData.cpp | DataStructure - File containing a data container for wall tension analysis |
WallTensionEstimatorData.hpp | DataStructure - File containing a data container for wall tension analysis |
winmath.h | |
winprocess.h | |
Womersley.cpp | Womersley Analytical Solution |
Womersley.hpp | Womersley Analytical Solution |
wrong_line_ends_test.cpp | |
ZeroDimensionalBC.hpp | File containing the zero dimensional BCHandler |
ZeroDimensionalBCHandler.hpp | File containing the zero dimensional BCHandler |
ZeroDimensionalCircuitData.cpp | File containing a class for 0D model circuit data handling |
ZeroDimensionalCircuitData.hpp | File containing a class for 0D model circuit data handling |
ZeroDimensionalData.cpp | File containing a class for 0D model data handling |
ZeroDimensionalData.hpp | File containing a class for 0D model data handling |
ZeroDimensionalDefinitions.hpp | Zero Dimensional Model Global Definitions |
ZeroDimensionalFunction.hpp | File containing the zero dimensional bc function |
ZeroDimensionalRythmosModelInterface.cpp | Rythmos Model Interface |
ZeroDimensionalRythmosModelInterface.hpp | Rythmos Model Interface |
ZeroDimensionalRythmosSolverInterface.cpp | Rythmos solver Interface |
ZeroDimensionalRythmosSolverInterface.hpp | Rythmos solver Interface |
ZeroDimensionalSolver.cpp | Rythmos solver |
ZeroDimensionalSolver.hpp | Rythmos solver |