39 #ifndef _SOBOLEVNORMS_H_INCLUDED 40 #define _SOBOLEVNORMS_H_INCLUDED 42 #include <lifev/core/LifeV.hpp> 43 #include <lifev/core/fem/DOF.hpp> 44 #include <lifev/core/fem/CurrentFE.hpp> 50 typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<Real> Vector;
55 template <
typename VectorType>
65 for (
UInt iComp (0); iComp < nbComp; ++iComp )
73 uQuadPt += u ( dofID ) * fe
.phi ( iDof
, iQuadPt
boost::numeric::ublas::zero_vector< Real > ZeroVector
int32_type Int
Generic integer data.
void updateInverseJacobian(const UInt &iQuadPt)
const ID & localToGlobalMap(const ID ElId, const ID localNode) const
Return the specified entries of the localToGlobal table.
const UInt & numTotalDof() const
The total number of Dof.
Real elementaryFctL2NormSquare(std::function< Real(Real, Real, Real) > fct, const CurrentFE &fe)
returns the square of the L2 norm of fct on the current element
double Real
Generic real data.
CurrentFE - A primordial class for the assembly of the local matrices/vectors retaining the values on...
UInt nbFEDof() const
Getter for the number of nodes.
Real phi(UInt node, UInt quadNode) const
Getter for basis function values (scalar FE case)
UInt currentLocalId() const
Getter for the local ID of the current cell.
Real weightDet(UInt quadNode) const
Old accessor, use wDetJacobian instead.
UInt nbQuadPt() const
Getter for the number of quadrature nodes.
Real elementaryL2NormSquare(const VectorType &u, const CurrentFE &fe, const DOF &dof, const UInt nbComp)
version for vectorial problem
uint32_type UInt
generic unsigned integer (used mainly for addressing)