ETCurrentFE.hpp File Reference

This file contains the definition of the ETCurrentFE. More...

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Data Structures

class  EvaluationPhiI< testDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationPhiJ< solutionDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function phi_j in the case of a scalar FE. More...
class  EvaluationDphiI< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDphiJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the basis function dphi_j in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationDivI< fieldDim, spaceDim >
class  EvaluationDivJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >
class  EvaluationLaplacianI< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationLaplacianJ< fieldDim, spaceDim >
 Evaluation of the laplacian of the basis function phi_i in the case of a vectorial FE. More...
class  EvaluationHK< spaceDim >
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the diameter of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationDetJacobian< spaceDim >
 EvaluationDetJacobian - Evaluation of the determinant of the Jacobian. More...
class  EvaluationMetricTensor< spaceDim >
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationMetricVector< spaceDim >
 EvaluationHK - Evaluation of the metric tensor of the cell. More...
class  EvaluationPosition< spaceDim >
 EvaluationPosition - Evaluation of the position. More...
class  EvaluationMeas< spaceDim >
 EvaluationMeas - Evaluation of the measure of the cell. More...
class  ETCurrentFE< spaceDim, fieldDim >
class  ETCurrentFE< spaceDim, 1 >


 Default Physical Solver.

Detailed Description

This file contains the definition of the ETCurrentFE.

Samuel Quinodoz

Definition in file ETCurrentFE.hpp.