- Global ComposedOperator< OperatorType >::resetOperator ()
- change name in e.g.
- Class CurrentFE
Put all the remaining public member in private
Put ifdef for the checks (definition of the booleans)
Change the old update for wrappers to the new update
CXXFLAG to disable the boost asserts: -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS?
- Class DarcySolverLinear< MeshType >
- Insert any scientific publications that use this solver.
- Class DarcySolverNonLinear< MeshType >
Insert any scientific publications that use this solver.
Attention! We have the hypothesis that we use P0 elements for the primal unknown. Change this in a future!
Add criteria to ensure convergence of the fixed point method.
- Class DarcySolverTransient< MeshType >
- Insert any scientific publications that use this solver.
- Class DarcySolverTransientNonLinear< MeshType >
- Insert any scientific publications that use this solver.
- Class DOF
- This class must be bettered. The logic by which the dof table is built may fail for certain type of elements.
- Class FEField< MeshType, MapType, ReturnType >
- Add a method without the element id, less efficient but more flexible.
- Class FEFunction< MeshType, MapType, ReturnType >
- Add a method without the element id, less efficient but more flexible.
- Global FSIExactJacobian::solveJac (vector_Type &_muk, const vector_Type &_res, const Real _linearRelTol)
- {replace Real with Real& }
- Global FSIFixedPoint::solveJac (vector_Type &_muk, const vector_Type &_res, const Real _linearRelTol)
- {replace Real with Real& }
- Global FSIMonolithic::M_maxIterSolver
- to move to private
- Global FSIMonolithic::M_resetPrec
- to move to private
- Global FSIMonolithic::M_restarts
- to move to private
- Global FSIMonolithic::updateRHS ()
- this should be handled externally
- Global FSIOperator::BCh_du_inv () const
- {mark as deprecated untill debugged}
- Global FSIOperator::BCh_dz_inv () const
- {mark as deprecated untill debugged}
- Global FSIOperator::derVeloFluidMesh ()
- {try to remove this method}
- Global FSIOperator::fluid ()
- {mark as deprecated}
- Global FSIOperator::M_fluidInterfaceMapOnZero
- {kill this attribute}
- Global FSIOperator::M_solidInterfaceMapOnZero
- {kill this attribute}
- Global FSIOperator::meshMotion ()
- {mark as deprecated}
- Global FSIOperator::minusSigmaFluid () const
- {remove this method}
- Global FSIOperator::minusSigmaFluidRepeated () const
- {remove this method}
- Global FSIOperator::setFluidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_fluid)
- {see if this needs to be virtual}
- Global FSIOperator::setInvLinFluidBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dfluid_inv)
- {mark as deprecated until not debugged}
- Global FSIOperator::setInvLinSolidBC (const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_dsolid_inv)
- {mark as deprecated until not debugged}
- Global FSIOperator::setLambdaDotSolid (const vector_Type &lambda)
- {see if we can remove these}
- Global FSIOperator::setLambdaSolidOld (const vector_Type &lambda)
- {see if we can remove these}
- Global FSIOperator::setSolidBC (const solidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_solid)
- {see if this needs to be virtual}
- Global FSIOperator::solid ()
- {mark as deprecated}
- Class FSISolver
Generic fluid and Structure solvers
Allow delayed initialization
- Global FSISolver::FSISolver ()
- allow to change the FSI operator on the fly
- Global FSISolver::setFluxBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_fluid)
- {kill this method}
- Global FSISolver::setRobinBC (const fluidBchandlerPtr_Type &bc_fluid)
- {kill this method}
- Class HyperbolicData< Mesh >
- class not finished!
- Class HyperbolicSolver< Mesh, SolverType >
Implement the forcing term
and implement high order finite elements.
When we will pass to Trilinos >= 10.6 use Epetra wrapper for LAPACK functions.
- Namespace LifeV
- remove this header
- Namespace LifeV::Comparers
- Move to aspecific file meshentityutility
- Global LifeV::MeshUtility::fixBoundaryFaces (MeshType &mesh, std::ostream &logStream, std::ostream &errorStream, Switch &sw, UInt &numFaces, UInt &numBoundaryFaces, bool=false, bool verbose=false, temporaryFaceContainer_Type *externalFaceContainer=0)
- The policy to treat missing markers should be passed in the argument, so to allow changes
- Global LifeV::MeshUtility::inheritPointsStrongerMarker (MeshElementMarkedType &geoElement)
- LF: It should be made a functor so to give the user a easier way to change the policy if needed
- Global LifeV::MeshUtility::setBoundaryEdgesMarker (MeshType &mesh, std::ostream &logStream=std::cout, std::ostream &=std::cerr, bool verbose=true)
it should take the way to handle missing marker ids as policy
errorStream is unused
- Global LifeV::MeshUtility::setBoundaryFacesMarker (MeshType &mesh, std::ostream &logStream=std::cout, std::ostream &=std::cerr, bool verbose=true)
- the way to handle missing IDs should be passed as a policy
- Global main (int argc, char **argv)
- Add verbose to avoid all processes printing this stuff
- File MatrixEpetraStructuredUtility.hpp
- createDiagBlock() and createInvDiagBlock() can be reduced to a single function to avoid copy duplication with the aid of a bit of template meta programming. In fact, a lot of routines in this file bring back to a common block and a specialized work on the single line.
- Class MeshEntity
- The marker ID should be taken away form marker class and added to the MeshEntity directly
- Global MeshEntity::setId (const ID &id)
- change the name in setGlobalId
- Global MeshEntityContainer< DataType, Allocator >::operator() (size_type const i)
- Eliminate!
- Global MeshEntityContainer< DataType, Allocator >::operator() (size_type const i) const
- Eliminate!
- Module MeshEntityUtilities
Go to a separate file
- Global MeshTransformer< REGIONMESH, RMTYPE >::moveMesh (const VECTOR &disp, UInt dim)
- this method should be changed to make sure not to generate invalid elements
- Global MeshTransformer< REGIONMESH, RMTYPE >::transformMesh (const VECTOR &scale, const VECTOR &rotate, const VECTOR &translate)
- Change using homogeneous coordinates to make it more efficient.
- Class MonolithicRobinInterface
- Remove this class and try to implement the same coupling otherwise.
- Class ReferenceElement
Add Volume
Add the minimal dimension and checks
Incorporate vectorial FEs
Think dimensionless
change M_refCoor
- Global RegionMesh< GeoShapeType, MCType >::getListOfPoints (bool(*fct)(Real, Real, Real), std::vector< UInt > &list_pts)
- Move away, this can be done using the utility of the list of pts