solver Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for solver:


file  ALESolver.cpp [code]
file  ALESolver.hpp [code]
 Classes to hold algorithms for the mesh motion, for instance, involved in a ALE formulation.
file  fsi_blocks/solver/AssemblyElementalStructure.cpp [code]
 File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators for the structural problem.
file  fsi_blocks/solver/AssemblyElementalStructure.hpp [code]
 File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators.
file  BlockJacobiPreconditioner.cpp [code]
file  BlockJacobiPreconditioner.hpp [code]
file  fsi_blocks/solver/ExpressionDefinitions.cpp [code]
 File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators.
file  fsi_blocks/solver/ExpressionDefinitions.hpp [code]
 File containing the procedures for the local assembly of the differential operators.
file  FSIApplyOperator.cpp [code]
file  FSIApplyOperator.hpp [code]
file  FSIApplyOperatorNonConforming.cpp [code]
file  FSIApplyOperatorNonConforming.hpp [code]
 Classes to hold algorithms for the mesh motion, for instance, involved in a ALE formulation.
file  FSIcouplingCE.cpp [code]
file  FSIcouplingCE.hpp [code]
 Settings - File which handles the coupling blocks of fluid and solid variables at the fluid-structure interface when conforming discretizations are used.
file  FSIHandler.cpp [code]
file  FSIHandler.hpp [code]
 FSIHandler - File handling the solution of the FSI problem.
file  LinearElasticity.cpp [code]
file  LinearElasticity.hpp [code]
 Implementation of Linear elastic structural model.
file  NeoHookean.cpp [code]
file  NeoHookean.hpp [code]
 Implementation of Neohookean structural model.